First, thank you
very much to anyone who replies (and reads all of this). Second, any advice I can get is greatly appreciated.
I am beginning to put together a 5.1 set up and I am looking for opinions & advice to help me make good investments. I have been reading everything I can get my eyes on and listening when I can. Here is my basic info:
75%tv (sports), 20% movies, 5% music
The room is 14' x 20' x 8' with two large openings. One to the back and the other to the right. It's a terrible room but it's all I got...

I am looking to buy for my next house which WILL have a better HT room...
I have a Sony KDS 50 A2000 w/ Charter HD cable and a Denon 557 DVD player
Here's what I am looking at:
Onkyo 605 or 705 (705 overkill for what I need??)
Hsu VTF-1
Definitive Technology ProCenter 2000
Def Tech ProMonitor 1000 for L&R
Def Tech ProMonitor 800 for surrounds
Paradigm Cinema 330's for LRC
Paradigm ADP's or Cinema 90's for surrounds
All of these stretch my budget so I am limited as to what I can do.
Again..Thank you.