Yes, Christianity and Judaism have become hallmarks of civilization. In Christianity's case, from following the new testament and the teachings of Jesus which, if I understand this correctly, supersede the Old Testament as a new covenant between God and man. In Judaism's case, they are civilized because they are the "chosen people" and not subject to the covenant with the Gentiles.
Islam is unique in that all Muslims are instructed to follow the teachings of the Koran literally, at all times. This includes working to impose Sharia Law on any nation in which they reside. Sharia Law includes subverting the domestic government to the religious authority of the clerics and subjugating women to their middle ages role of chattel. These are not long forgotten and rarely enforced dictates. There are over a billion Muslims who control the national governments of several large states, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, et alia.
In all these cases without fail, the religion by decree dominates politics, law, culture, morality and common sense in the relations between individuals. I dismiss your argument and suggest that a billion people who choose to live, kill, torture, maim and die by following the dictates of the book in its most literal sense must be judged by the book, their adherence to the book and their actions relative to the dictates of the book.
Sometimes, crime is the isolated activity of an individual. Other times, it is a microcosm of a cultural or societal mindset, an action that defines the paradigm of a civilization. We must be smart enough to know which is which.