Yet you still tune in.... that's the beauty and the genius of Howard Stern- he gets people who HATE him to listen.
What were the stats in his book/movie- Average Stern listener listened for 45 min a day, while the average Stern hater listened for 60-70 minutes a day. The thing that differentiates him is that he doesn't care about being liked, he just recognized that more listeners = higher ratings = more advertisers = more money = the more crap he could get away with b/c he was so financially successful for the stations.
Well, don't go clapping yourself on the back just yet. That was a very sarcastic statement on my part, and I was hoping that it would be interpreted as such. Truth is, I don't tune in for all the reasons I mentioned.
I do agree that many people probably do listen to him that otherwise can't stand the guy - I have no excuse for them, other than to say they are supporting the very thing they speak against. Their will, their way, their choice, while Stern is laughing all the way to the bank. Good for him. I love this country because he has the right and ability to do that.
It's also not uncommon for people (including myself) to tune in to other types of programming that I wouldn't normally agree with (for example political shows), but only when I want to get the
other perspective. At least in that arena, both sides offer a little more meat for digesting than a has-been porn star faking an orgasm on live radio.
That is - when they take a break from all the blatant political bashing...