The basic jist of my post is you can buy whatever the hell you want. Just don't go whining about the cost of maintaining it. Which is what you were doing. I drive in downtown detroit also. Never had a problem with the Corolla(the wifes) or Altima going to a ball game or Slows BBQ. I mostly bike weather permitting (bank, post office, gallong of milk etc). Really nice Gary Fisher Kaitai with saddle bags. She buses into work (U Mich).
Guaranteed that Expedition is carrying around 1 passenger 90% of the time. Trust me I checked out your ht link, conspicous consumption at its best. I have the means to live way beyond what I do, but made a conscious decision not to. The earth can't sustain all 6 billion people owning literally stacks of McIntosh gear, Mustangs, Expeditions, Motorcyles etc.
Hope you don't learn the hard way that land tanks aren't as safe as you think. I would feel safer in alot of respects, actual driving, world politics, terrorism. We have a "I am entitled" society with disregard for others.
Yep, we have each other pegged. But one of us should just feel slightly ashamed.
In HiFi's defense, most if not all of his Mac gear was bought on the cheap, used. If you knew him better, you would know this. He works hard and makes his own money. He doesn't count on the government to pay his bills. He is entitled to spend it the way he wants. I'm sure he is saving for the future as well.
I don't think he was whining too badly about the price of fuel, just answering the OP, but that doesn't mean he has to
like the price of fuel, either. Personally, I don't feel he has to be ashamed of anything. He is a responsible, tax paying, employed husband and father that takes care of his family. That's more than you can say about a lot of people
As for you, good for you that you bike, walk and work at home! Not all of us can do that, either. If you feel safer in a Corolla than a big SUV, well.

If you want to be "green" then why don't you get a diesel and run it off of Bio or vegetable oil from the local grease joint instead of feeding the big oil companies?
I spend about $4-500 bucks a month on fuel as well because I'm in sales. Yes, I spend a lot of time in the office on the phone as well, but I still have to go on the road...a lot. Do I like the oil prices? No. Am I complaining about prices? Yes. Do I conserve when I can? Yes. I also have to have fuel to make a living, though.
Conservation, alternate fuels and vehicles that get better mileage are key for our future, I agree, but we also have to live with what we have for now, to a point. Infrastructure is just not in place at the present to switch over to alternate fuels overnight. The American public does, however, need to push for alternate fuels and cleaner burning cars and trucks. Passivity is no longer an option.
FWIW, that's my two Lincolns.