I wish they still made records for my old victrola... Ella Fitzgerald sounds wonderful on it, even with all the distortion that comes through it.
To 3db: White Stripes sound like garbage no matter how their music is reproduced

hehe. No offense to you tone def people who enjoy that crapola

hehe, j/k! honest...
My opinion on the Vinyl comeback is simple, its never going to happen. Vinyl, even though it is facing a resurgence in sales, will never again capture mainstream audience. Teenagers nowadays are growing up with mp3 players, let alone CD's! or my favorite, is the MP3/Phone/Camera junk they make these days. Does it sound better? meh... I could care less if it did in all honestly, I'd love to see a 301 record player to take the spot of my DV-F07 Pioneer Elite, good god!
Its a niche market, appealing to those who just plain enjoy it and or want to be different. Mainstream is in the business of moving forward, not backward, and for the average consumer jumping back 40 years in technology is just plain silly.
Just a thought