I understand your concerns, but anyone spending more than 10 minutes on our site realizes the detail and integrity of our content is among the best in the industry and the reputation of this site built upon from the past 9+ years is based solely on TRUTH being a marketable commodity and our readers keeping us honest by helping us grow our community of enthusiasts looking for more than the typical glowing
press release style reviews and articles found in most of the print magazines and online home theater based websites.
Does it take us more time and resources to do such detailed articles? You betcha. But at the end of the day, I can sleep well at night knowing that myself and staff put forth truly great content rich reviews and tech articles on our site that passes my NO BS engineering litmus test.
We are doing our best to select products we feel offer a great value to our readers from some of the most reputable brands in the industry. We will be offering a wide diversity of snake oil free products for your shopping pleasure but realize not all of the great stuff we review will be available for sale on our e-store or affiliate partners.
It's important to remember to judge whether or not our pros/cons in a review will affect you the user when deciding if the product is right for your needs. Good or bad however, the reviews will have an integrated "Buy it Now" link to our e-store if the Audioholics store carries that product. We do this now with many of our affiliates that we direct traffic to as you can see in the following example of a projector that got a lukewarm review that we integrate "Buy it Now" links back to our affiliate partner:
Or this Velodyne subwoofer (one of our long term advertisers) that faired only average in our review:
For our official statement about our up and coming e-store that should address your concerns, please see the following article:
Audioholics e-store Breaking the Rules