Calling BS on Snake Oil Cables



Audioholic Overlord
I thought the thing that made you tap your feet and feel like getting up and moving was the music! All the time, it was the cable... How silly I feel! :rolleyes:
I felt silly once, it was a Monday, I promptly got over it.


Audioholic Warlord
Ooohhh Myyyy God!

Uhm... that guy listed in the article..

Dr. Brian Josephson...

That is MY name... first and last...




Audioholic Ninja
Why is this a surprise or an issue? Stereophile and TAS and before them Golden Ears has printed this kind of nonsense for decades. At least he is talking about something that transmits a signal. Some of these guys tap their feet with power cables. :)


Audioholic Intern
This is truly absurd. ANJOU cables are not danceable. It is common knowledge that the Anjou cables are only good for somber music such as Shostakovich’s 7th symphony. The only cables which are really danceable are Nordost Odin ; and remember to use Nordost interconnects as well to truly great dance experience.


Audioholic Overlord
This is truly absurd. ANJOU cables are not danceable. It is common knowledge that the Anjou cables are only good for somber music such as Shostakovich’s 7th symphony. The only cables which are really danceable are Nordost Odin ; and remember to use Nordost interconnects as well to truly great dance experience.
I feel all dance like just thinking about it. I wonder how it would change the Nordost to wrap them in ERS paper.:confused:


Squirrels and Hale-bopp also works on the magic and wondrous device called a p-l-a-s-m-a, you know that strange magic like piece of glass with all those little magic creatures dancing inside, how do they get in there?
Squirrels...millions of atomic squirrels running on colour wheels, which are injected with a needle into the magic box at the factory.

I read a review of ANJOU speaker cables by Marshall Applewhite on an esoteric website called Heaven's Gate. He said "Music playing through them results in the proverbial mass suicide. I suddenly ran to the kitchen for fruit juice and a plastic bag with the need or desire to get up to Hale-Bopp and meet Jesus on a spaceship! Great swing and pace--these cables...."

Weird how the review ended so abruptly.

James Randi rules!


Audioholic Slumlord
A thought or 2

or maybe even a couple of questions. :eek:

1st: I wonder cause I'm a lil nieve, if these so called golden ears really in their right mind actually perceive a difference. Are they honestly beleiving the placebo effect? If so I guess its buyer beware or be stupid..

I'm inclined to believe however that they committing fraud in that the golden ears can't hear the difference between different speaker cables and interconnects. Since they can't hear the difference, they are lieing to the people who read this crap and leading those weak of mind, down the garden path. Somehow that just rubs me the wrong way ethically and morally. I realize that the burden of proof lies on those who are calling their bluff. But since these cowards and the mags that support/hire/pay them are afriad of losing money to what I beleive is inherently dishonest industry, we'll be stuck having to leaf thru this proverbial shite!!


$7250 for a pair of speaker cables? I don't think my whole system costs that much. Granted, my system isn't exactly high end, but I think it is very nice.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but it's wire. It has one job -- to transmit a signal from one end to the other end. Its ability to do so accurately should be easy to test objectively with equipment such as an oscilloscope.

I can't imagine what could be in a pair of cables that expensive that would justify the price.



or maybe even a couple of questions. :eek:

1st: I wonder cause I'm a lil nieve, if these so called golden ears really in their right mind actually perceive a difference.
Yes, you are naive if you think cables are not the most important component of your system and you should allocate 95% of your budget for cables. Also, people that can't hear the difference are naive.

Funny how audiophiles who sing this mantra vehemently avoid partaking in a double blind listening test. Unless there's a more accurate and unbiased way of hearing a difference between audio gear of which I'm unaware, the double blind listening test is gold Jerry, gold!


Audioholic Overlord
or maybe even a couple of questions. :eek:

1st: I wonder cause I'm a lil nieve, if these so called golden ears really in their right mind actually perceive a difference. Are they honestly beleiving the placebo effect? If so I guess its buyer beware or be stupid..

I'm inclined to believe however that they committing fraud in that the golden ears can't hear the difference between different speaker cables and interconnects. Since they can't hear the difference, they are lieing to the people who read this crap and leading those weak of mind, down the garden path. Somehow that just rubs me the wrong way ethically and morally. I realize that the burden of proof lies on those who are calling their bluff. But since these cowards and the mags that support/hire/pay them are afriad of losing money to what I beleive is inherently dishonest industry, we'll be stuck having to leaf thru this proverbial shite!!
I am willing to bet the reviewers for the most part believe what they are saying is true.


Audioholic Ninja
I just received my new cables which use metal that came from a meteorite that fell 50 years ago. The metal in the meteorite is far better than anything we have here on the Earth. I swear I hear the chocolate mids and silky highs and the cables themselves are able to salsa dance. What can your cables do?


Audioholic Overlord
I just received my new cables which use metal that came from a meteorite that fell 50 years ago. The metal in the meteorite is far better than anything we have here on the Earth. I swear I hear the chocolate mids and silky highs and the cables themselves are able to salsa dance. What can your cables do?
Shouldn't the cables make the sound appear to be "out of this world" or "worlds away from any other cable" or "just plain stupid"?


Audioholic Ninja
Shouldn't the cables make the sound appear to be "out of this world" or "worlds away from any other cable" or "just plain stupid"?
Ah you're right. On the packaging it says that these cables will make you system sound "out-of-this-world". I think I saw a Bose logo somewhere as well or maybe it was Monster :D

dem beats

Senior Audioholic
the best speaker cables are when you use a highly conductive fluid in place of metal.

It hase to be see through fluid however or else you will loose much of it's native transparency.


Seriously, I have no life.
"Music playing through them results in the proverbial mass suicide. I suddenly ran to the kitchen for fruit juice and a plastic bag with the need or desire to get up to Hale-Bopp and meet Jesus on a spaceship! Great swing and pace--these cables...."

Weird how the review ended so abruptly.

James Randi rules!
Too bad he didn't follow through with that idea:D


No Snake Oil Cables Used Here

I use only Blue Jeans Cables. Extremely well made, they sound great and are very reasonably priced. The money I save is well spent on hardware upgrades and source material.


Audioholic Overlord
I use only Blue Jeans Cables. Extremely well made, they sound great and are very reasonably priced. The money I save is well spent on hardware upgrades and source material.
Well the thing is, cables shouldn't have a sound. If they do they are faulty or intentionally designed to modify sound. Those boutique cables may be tailored to produce a different sound, maybe not, but if they are they should be considered distortion factors.:)

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