or maybe even a couple of questions.
1st: I wonder cause I'm a lil nieve, if these so called golden ears really in their right mind actually perceive a difference. Are they honestly beleiving the placebo effect? If so I guess its buyer beware or be stupid..
I'm inclined to believe however that they committing fraud in that the golden ears can't hear the difference between different speaker cables and interconnects. Since they can't hear the difference, they are lieing to the people who read this crap and leading those weak of mind, down the garden path. Somehow that just rubs me the wrong way ethically and morally. I realize that the burden of proof lies on those who are calling their bluff. But since these cowards and the mags that support/hire/pay them are afriad of losing money to what I beleive is inherently dishonest industry, we'll be stuck having to leaf thru this proverbial shite!!