Blah, blah, blah......
In the next 30-50-100 years, the same idiot environ
mentalist establishment will be warning/predicting of another approaching man-made ice age, global doom & gloom, billions of deaths.......Yadda,Yadda, Yadda,.......unless we take immediate action. They've flipflopped before, and they'll do it again. One thing is certain......they'll be calling for more government control and excessively restrictive-economic policy, again, to reverse whatever is the current trend of the day. ....and of course, the media and idiot establishment will completely forget/ignore their past incorrect, hysterical predictions as they jump onto the current bandwagon.
Considering the earth has experienced multitudes of natural ice ages/warming ages throughout it's history (billions of years) see how these tools can take a
blink of an eyes worth of data in geologic terms to conclude "MAN_MADE" climate beyond ignorant. Simple warming/cooling is the least of our worries!! There are many other naturally occurring & space based events that take place over long periods of time that will cause our certain demise. ....and sorry kook environmentalist.....mankind will be powerless to stop these catastrophic events.
With that said..... I too am an environmentalist!! The only thing that separates myself from those frantic/arm waving alarmists is that I limit my environmentalism to actions/policy/regulations to things we really can actually exude control....and of course... only those actions that make economic sense need apply.
Sorry......but I'm not willing to totally **** up the economy over something we can't even control. Besides....warming is a GOOD thing!!!!