Audio Critic's Ten Biggest Lies



I cannot and will not speak for MDS; he is quite capable.
No, we want evidence, since you made some testable claims about amps in particular, that YOU can hear audible differences between properly designed amps and that is how you came to your conclusions about audible differences. If you don't have such evidence, why shouldn't your testimony be just another anecdote with dubious merit?

HI MTRY! Man you are becoming my favorite buddy in this forum. I went out with the wife yesterday and I see I missed a lot of fun in this...

What evidence do you want if we are talking about perception? Say that you can hear up to 20K and me only up to 15K. How can you prove to me that the extra 4K in upper frequency exists if I do not want to believe you? Even if you show me an EEG I could dispute your findings if there is a total luck of faith. I guess the only way to show soem differences between the amps I have mentioned (plinius, threshold, Musical fidelity, my classe ssp75 and sunfire cinema grand combo or my Teac mini components receiver) would be for us to get together and listen...No graph could ever really tell the whole story.

I doubt he/others are missing any points. But I see you certainly are. You have no evidence, except biased perceptions, that well measured components can sound like 'crap.' You have not researched much it seems, in audio land. Don't feel badly, no one is immune.

So I missed the point eh? And you think I have not research much in the audio land? Good for you MTRY I guess now you sound like a true scientist! You do not even know my name but know my life's story already...

But you have offered no evidence that you can or able to hear differences under bias controlled protocols. What is one to think, that you are exempt or immune from bias? Such a person has not been found yet. And yes, the brain does look for differences, even when the same component is presented twice, it will find a difference. Again, there is more for you to look into it seems.

Again what evidecne to offer? I am talking about HEARING! The onlvy evidence would be for YOU to hear also...and hoping that your hearing is in good codnition and your mind OPEN to the results we might agree on something.

ONE thing we agree though is this: No one is immune to bias... Still I heard what I heard buddy and no test I know would actually tell the story of what i heard. The amps in questions are prime examples of engineering, they are all measuring great have similar frequency responses but still sounded different! This happens in sepaker-land all the time. So many great designs of speaker but no two ever seem to sound the same...

And why are we drifting into pianos and violins??? A diversion tactic?
But, I am glad at least you brought up the Strad:D There was a research into it and no, the varnish didn't help:D Yet, another urban legend with insufficient data. But, let me help you out here:

Do not be so suspisious MTRY. No diversion tactics here. An Urban legend? Are you so sure about this one too? Totally different than what I heard friend so it comes down to you word against mine? The varnish was actually the LAST variable that the people that were trying to duplicate a Strad had the hardest time to duplicate. Their violin was identical to a Strad but still sounded different...

What you believe or not is you affair. Trying to pass something on as facts, be careful.;)

My buddy you are really something indeed! What I believe is pretty much what I am don't you think so? What about your persistent point of view? It is what you believe too ins't it? You keep trying to perusade me that whatt I heard does not represent the truth... are you so sure that what you perceive is not at fault also? You are trying to hide behind some numbers that as i said may or may not be able to show the truth of how we perceive the sound of a component. I do not oppose measurments but I have had enough of decisions made (in my youth!!!) about buying a component based on pure numerbs and silly claims to know that i goofed more often than not back then! I believ a balanced assessement based on measurements BUT also on listening should be the basis of a decision about any component in our hobby.

And, you think you are exempt or immune from audio BS, imaginations and flawed or unreliable perceptions? Please. You have dealt your hand pretty well and have nothing in that hand but what other 'golden ears' tend to procla

Golden ears? Hahahaha no buddy mine are fleshy looking and only made of some skin and cartilage. The golden ear thing is all YOURS! Audio BS? I am choking in it and for some reason I keep enjoying the discussion. You want to believe that all components sound the same? All the power to you! In this way you will save a lot of money and live in your dream land. I told you that I also have other equimpent home and at times (say, in between equipment upgrades) I had to use my TEAC as a preamp or my Sunfire as the main amp and the sound of my main stero went downhill. Even my 14 year old daughter could hear the difference listening to the HIFI of her Ipod most of the time but I guess she is also biased isn't she?

Yes, you can. But, you are not immune nor exempt from the the flaws of perceptions and human nature. And, yes, the brain's ability to fool your senses inputs and fabricate what was not there. Yes, I see that steel pipe being bent in a 5 gal bucket of water too.

No I am not immune and this is why I love to experiment! and measure but most of all LISTEN!

No matter how much it may be misleading you?

Why do you doubt you own senses so much? If you are drinking a good wine aren't you relying on you taste buds? If you are at teh Louvre looking at the Mona Lisa don't you trust your eye sight? When you caress the hair of your kid aren't you relying on your sense of touch? Or when you smell coffee int he morning your sense of smell? What the heck is so wrong in trusting your hearing a little?

Oh, now you are talking about a preference, right? But then, even food taste and differences can be judged under bias controlled conditions, as is also done with wine, to take human bias out of the equation and arrive at reliable answers. Better believe it how much it is used.

Preference? WHY can you not stick to the point? I am NOT talking about preference and you know it! I ma talking about you telling me how this recipe tastes:

500 gr. of flour, i tsp of salt, some butter, 2 cups of water, 1/2 a cup of cron flour...etc.... CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME? Or should you better wait for the bread to be baked and then taste it? I know that this example is an extreme but I am just trying to make a point that you seem to try to dodge off any which way you can... I guess words are cheap and we could go own forever...NO?

I see, now you have demonstrated having a closed mind. Rather telling, isn't it? Well designed doesn't mean operation outside of design limits, not having high output impedance, or low input impedance not nonlinear frequency response, etc.

Clsoed mind? NO I believ you have aclosed mind. You have made up your mind that all components sound the same and you will not give your self a chance to MAYBE hear otherwise. I am willing to try everything and see what the result will be...Who is really the closed mind here?

So far, you have not shown any evidence that you can. You make lots of claims to this but evidence is rather non existent.
Again the commetn about the evidence. I told you that the ONLY evidence would be for us to get together and "play" with these ideas. There is really NO other evidence to talk about...

Cheers you all!



Audioholic Ninja
Isn't this a fundamental truth, in and of itself. It seems that you've given the boys what they're asking for all along, but they didn't recognize it.

I'll give you my fundamental truth and hope for comments on its validity.

"Sum ergo sum" (with apologies to Descartes).
Quad erat demonstratum.

"Sum ergo sum"...sorry...that's one of those identities that got excluded by my fundamental truth. ;)


Interesting that he dismisses cables, YET, they all measure differently:D
And, even the same cable will at different lengths. :D
But, components will measure well and sound like junk:confused:
I did not dismiss the cables! I simply do not believe in multi hundred dollar cables or cables that are purposedly built to act as tone controls for bad gear. I know that a camble measures different but for you to measure soemthing substainly different in a cable made of realtively pure copper for example we are talking lenghts not easily found in a stero set up (excluding HT here of course).

Yes I have had components that measure as perfect as technology could make them and they sounded like crap. I woudl rather not mention the particualr one that comes to mind right now but I have never bought and sold a components faster in my life. And this by one of the most reputable designers in existance today. One that is a solid engineer and a down to earth guy (again I can not doivlge the name of this person since his copmany is synonymous to his name).

My TEAC receiver has better measurments than my Muscial fidelity and it does sound crappy compared even at matched levels and all. No comparison between one the the other...


MTRY and ADAM I thought that the Steam Vent was for Audio matters only. Can I talk about the bad shave that my latest remington sahver gave me lately? Look guys I do have a sense of humour and I was trying to be funny by the comment regarding the water heater. I jusy foudn the discussion a bit too deep for an audio site...



Audioholic Spartan
MTRY and ADAM I thought that the Steam Vent was for Audio matters only.
If you can get this sooooo wrong, just imagine how many other things you might be wrong about.:D
Forum Index said:
Talk just about anything you'd like here. Or, if you've got a beef about a manufacturer, or you just want to vent some audio steam... come on in. This is the only place you won't get in trouble for flame wars


Seriously, I have no life.
You asked him a question he didn't know the answer front of the class, no less.

What did you expect him to do? Not everybody can stand there and say "I don't know".

Oh Mtry, Mtry,'re not one of those nerdy types that sit in class and whose only purpose is to ask questions they think the teacher can't answer, are you????

Well, he got current imbalance right, did ya give em partial credit???

(hadta fun ya....turnabout is fair play...) ;)

Cheers, John

ps...didn't see ya post there, stratman...what, you'd rather talk bout Fundamental truths??? Sheesh..and ta think, I baited the thread with 6 or 7 of peter's things is Wrong I tell ya....just wrong...

pps..I just noticed that "thanks" stuff upper right hand corner...what's that all about...

Apparently, I've been doing a "tankless" job all along...

No I am not that nerdy. But, If I remember it was in the hands on phase but not just the two of us. How would I know he didn't know the answer? I was rather surprised.:D
Yes, he got partial credit:D We need to have fun too:D


Audioholic Spartan
Quad erat demonstratum.

"Sum ergo sum"...sorry...that's one of those identities that got excluded by my fundamental truth. ;)
What I'm saying is that Descartes presumes too much. One does not have to think to exist. I would suggest that "I am" because "I am" and there is no simpler fundamental truth than that. My existence need not be demonstrable to be fundamentally true.

A rock is still a rock whether or not there is a consciousness to validate it's existence.

edit - but of course there would need to be a consciousness to observe it, classify it and call it a rock, but that doesn't alter the fundamental truth of its existence.


Seriously, I have no life.
So fellows we're off water heaters then? Remember: tankless, it saves time and money and no insulation required. Available in electric or gas variant. Happy showering.
And the initial investment and the break even point? It saves some of the standby losses but, depending on run lengths, water is wasted. I had a bad experience with one setup on a trip to Europe a few years ago.:D No thanks.


Seriously, I have no life.
I'm not interested in proving "I'm right and you're wrong". I have confidence in my own abilities yet know my limitations. I also know what constitutes a fundamental truth when it passes me by. The previous time one did was Saturday, 4th August 2007 at approximately 10:30 in the morning. As fundamental truths go, they don't come much bigger. :D

And I'm definitely not telling you what that one was. :)
Oh, you are a new daddy then? If so, congratulations. Boy or girl?


Seriously, I have no life.
Sure! In fact, I think that was a topic a couple of weeks ago...

I think MDS was looking for a good electric shaver, but short term memory is my out just in case.:D


Seriously, I have no life.
Again the commetn about the evidence. I told you that the ONLY evidence would be for us to get together and "play" with these ideas. There is really NO other evidence to talk about...

Cheers you all!

No comment about that violin DBT test? That directly contradicts one of your beliefs, no?


Full Audioholic
What I'm saying is that Descartes presumes too much. One does not have to think to exist...
In fairness to Descartes, I believe he's saying one has to exist in order to think - not the other way around.;)


Audioholic Spartan
In fairness to Descartes, I believe he's saying one has to exist in order to think - not the other way around.;)
I'd like to think so, but without getting too deep into Latin semantics, word order in Latin is generally very fluid compared to English which has a very determined sentence structure. Quite often, sum or est is thrown in at the end of a sentence. Yet when Descartes uses the term ergo, it is very specific that one follows the other, quad erat demonstratum, in the course of logic.

In Descartes' epistemology, thought is the proof of existence.
Wikipedia said:
Initially, Descartes arrives at only a single principle: thought exists. Thought cannot be separated from me, therefore, I exist (Discourse on the Method and Principles of Philosophy). Most famously, this is known as cogito ergo sum ("I think, therefore I am").


Full Audioholic
In Descartes' epistemology, thought is the proof of existence.
That was the interpretation I gathered, as well.

I suppose it was the comment about the rock that made me think you meant the reverse:

"A rock is still a rock whether or not there is a consciousness to validate it's existence."

I agree it may not need to think to exist, but this isn't a contradiction to "thought is the proof of existence".

...I think.:D


Audioholic Spartan
That was the interpretation I gathered, as well.

I suppose it was the comment about the rock that made me think you meant the reverse:

"A rock is still a rock whether or not there is a consciousness to validate it's existence."

I agree it may not need to think to exist, but this isn't a contradiction to "thought is the proof of existence".

...I think.:D
The rock analogy is simply to show that I don't think Descartes hit the fundamental truth of his equation, i.e. existence requires no proof. It simply is. Existence exists regardless of knowledge, proof, belief, thought or opinion. I think that Descartes overlooked the obvious, that one must exist in order to think. "I am, therefore I am", IMHO, hits the fundamental truth of existence more accurately than "I think, therefore I am".


Audioholic Ninja
The rock analogy is simply to show that I don't think Descartes hit the fundamental truth of his equation, i.e. existence requires no proof. It simply is. Existence exists regardless of knowledge, proof, belief, thought or opinion. I think that Descartes overlooked the obvious, that one must exist in order to think. "I am, therefore I am", IMHO, hits the fundamental truth of existence more accurately than "I think, therefore I am".
But Dave.....this is an identity. (It doesn't even qualify as a double entendre a la Clinton..."depends on what your definition of is, is." ;)) A=A is not a fundamental truth. It's a construct that has no value beyond the individual constructor. "Existence exists" as you say, is no more a fundamental truth than it is to say Blue is Blue. Better to say...Blue Is. ;) But that is still not a fundamental truth. Blue is experienced by eyes/brains.


Full Audioholic
...I think that Descartes overlooked the obvious, that one must exist in order to think. "I am, therefore I am", IMHO, hits the fundamental truth of existence more accurately than "I think, therefore I am".
I'll admit, it may be my ignorance of Latin that's confusing me, but I thought that "I think, therefore I am" was entirely synonymous with "one must exist in order to think". If, as you say, Descartes missed that point - then I've missed HIS point for years (not unusual - I miss lots of points :)).


Audioholic Ninja
And the initial investment and the break even point? It saves some of the standby losses but, depending on run lengths, water is wasted. I had a bad experience with one setup on a trip to Europe a few years ago.:D No thanks.
You mean No Tanks.;):D

Down here the price is comparable to a regular tank heater. You're right they're not meant for long runs.

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