All communication is a construct that allows sentients to communicate. I have no other way to pass along my thoughts to you. I am trying through the use of my (obviously poor) constructs to convey that existence is independent of our knowledge, thought, beliefs or constructs (even if I have to use constructs to convey that idea to you).
Should some cataclysm eliminate all life on earth, would the earth cease to exist because there is nobody there to categorize it, name it, or construct it's identity? Certainly not. It's physical reality is independent of our perception even though it is our perception that guides the creation of the constructs that allow us to communicate about it.
Maybe I'm missing what you mean by fundamental truth. Please explain. I mean, everybody is getting thanked in this little digression but me. I must be missing something here.
There's a deserve it and I hope it makes you feel better!
Let me take you on a little left turn here. Quantum physics has demonstrated that the universe exists in a way that depends upon what you're looking for. Looking for waves in the EMF. You'll find them. Looking instead for particle behavior? You'll find that instead. Which is it? Well, we don't know. It's a duality that must be accepted. This conundrum is in itself not a Fundamental Truth, for it involves our lack of understanding our own construct.
Even if you look at the building-block level of the universe, the 4 elemental forces of Weak, Strong, Electromagnetic, and Gravity, and basic particles like Leptons and Quarks, we are much confused at the behavior of the dang things/energies. Remember Heisenberg? His Uncertainty Principle pretty much puts the kaibosh on ever knowing much about "this" universe at "this" (or any) time.
All the above aside, I have not kept up with modern discoveries in physical science and its implications for truly understanding the fundamental truths of the universe.
My POV is that an identity like 1+1=2 is not such a truth. It is an identity...made up in our minds in an effort to describe and utilize what we see. It is only a "model" of these Fundamental Truths...not the thing itself. Religious based models of fundamental truths are applications of faith only. Perhaps my view of 'truth' and 'fundamental truth' are different. MDS notes that the bottom of the ocean is wet.

That, in my mind, is an identity..where the definition of the object is used in the subject answer. (Water is wet.) I'll call that a truth, but not in a fundamental truth as it relates to ultimate reality that may or may not be "out there".
Finally, Robbie asked me if I think the universe is deterministic. I'll answer that when he tells me one of his fundamental truths.
Now back to your regularly scheduled water tank rust programming......