Woah.....1983 was a VERY good year indeed for ZZ!! I own every ZZTop album ever made up until about 1990 when I fell off the music scene. I like their early-mid 70s bluesy stuff too!!! I got the
ZZTOP 6-PACK to snatch up all their old stuff on one fell swoop.
Afterburner wasn't too shabby, but I didn't like how they went techno on that album. ( it has since grown on me over the years) Probably my favorite ZZ stuff is the middle years... Ya know...besides the king of all ZZ albums(Eliminator)........ the Deguello/El Loco stuff was pretty darned good too. (Tube Snake Boogie, Im bad Im nationwide, Cheap Sunglasses, Tube Snake Boogie, Pearl Necklace, Party on the Patio.......etc, etc, etc...)
Let's not forget Billy Squire

His 1981 "Don't say No" album ruled!!
Stroke, anyone? Geez....that album brings back memories from the 8th grade!! I remember when that album was released like yesterday.
If you get me started on the good 'ol 80's songs....I might never stop. Needless to say, Culture Club owns none of them. HeHeHe
PS...Idol was cool too. HIs self named album is a classic, and the only Idol album I owned in HS. In college, I bought
"Vital Idol"........ wow, did we pound some beers to that one while jamming at ear bleeding levels!! Those extended party-mixes were most excellent indeed!!