I have been thinking of making some compilation CDs for playing in the ol' auto and was contemplating downloading some music. I have several songs I would like to put on the CDs, but don't want to take the time to find and buy the CDs used or pay the price for new ones only to get one or two songs off them. I'm not talking about 200 songs, but perhaps enough to add to the ones I have on CD to make four or five really good ones, maybe 25-30 songs off the net.
Soooo, where do you folks go to download music? What sampling rate do you recommend? Bear in mind these will be primarily played in the car or while working and not for really critical listening. I don't have an Ipod or Mp3 player, so whatever I download will be filed away on the computer (for possible later acquisition of above stated device) and put on disc. Free downloads are cool, but I'm not sure I can find what I want for free. I don't mind ponying up the funds
Thanks for your replies!