Since Hollywood ruins *almost* every re-make or similar(movies based on old television shows or comics), it's hard to expect this movie to be good, especially to many fans of the original series and movie from the 80's, of which this new movie is supposedly based upon. But, sometimes Hollywood screws up and makes something nice, so there is some small measure of hope, despite the severe distortion of original character physical likenesses. It might even turn out to be a great movie for people whom are not familiar with the original story, but I think any major changes to the original story/history will turn off many of the original fans, regardless of the quality of the movie, overall. A good example would be the Beast Machines Transformers television series from around 2000. It was a very good production in it's own right, probably the best one of the Transformers series in visuals and overall execution, but it completely disregarded the original story lines, eventually re-writing nearly everything. It was especially annoying because it was supposedly a continuance of the Beast Wars Transformers series, but Beast Wars writers carefully respected the original story from the 80's series, being careful not to re-write the origin/history. Since Beast Machines, they gave up on any kind of continuance or adhesion to the 80's storyline, instead making up completely new alternate 'universes' for series introduced after Beast Machines.