I found Gene's review well written as usual (he's definitely one of my favorite internet based reviewes of AV gear). I feel he left out some details I can add from having owned this beast for over a month.
The network feature has some usability issues. In particular, the ability to stream music. Firstly, the menu on the screen will dissapear after a very short time. It would have been nice if they had made that adjustable. Secondly, the interface is slow, and it's easy to overshoot the item you wanted to select. The worst issue though, experienced by a number of people is that artist and album lists will come up with zero entries. This appears to mainly happen when attempting to scroll through the list by holding down the up or down button.
This problem might be a disconnect between Microsoft's media connect service or not. I wanted to capture packets sent back and forth to see what was happening, but I had no easy way to do that (Easiest way would be to disconnect my PC and move it into the living room and hook it directly to the RX with a crossover cable; too much work
Someone suggested that Yamaha a) Knows about the problem, and b) Might be creating a firmware update. I strongly suggest if you own this unit, and have this problem, you contact Yamaha.
One more issue Gene did not directly address was loss of bass when using HDMI/PCM. A number of people have tested this, and say their levels are prefect (which apparently requires that the 2700 boost the LFE channel by 10Db, similar what's needed for Dolby Digital.) At least one person complained that they had weak bass over HDMI/PCM (as when listening to a TruHD track.) I don't know what to think...seems like the 2700 is doing the right thing, but for some reason a few people were seeing issues.
One more question that was brought up in forums was whether the Yamaha could process (dematrix) Dolby EX if the player was doing the decoding, and sending the audio via HDMI/PCM. This requires the 2700 be able to apply it's processing to PCM. I suspect that does work, but I have no way of testing it.
I am happy with the receiver. But I would like to see Yamaha fix the buggy network music interface. Even if it's partially on Microsoft's end, I still think it's sluggish, and the timeout value on the menu (before it drops to the what's playing display) is too fast.
p.s. The fact that Gene did not see that makes me think the issue does not affect using the 2700 to select music from Yamaha own music server.