2nd amendment just one example that came to mind first as it is poorly interpreted from original language and purpose. What we need is someone to implement the 25th amendment (but that may be futile due to the long list of idiots in the succession list but it could be a start).
What? I'm pissed, I'm not freaking out. Drumphy and his maga cronies are doing bad things for sure, but that's been obvious for a long time. All the republicans are complicit in this. So I blame the right wingers....they're people. They voted for this crap.
But look at the little being done to curb him by the Democrats- the Republicans are gutless, so they can't be relied on for any help. I have said and posted for far too long (as have others)- Congress needs to be retooled and they have too much self-determination. Asking for term limits is like talking to a wall. Telling them? Who can do that and get any response?
Voting for this is like the scene from Animal House, where Otter tells Flounder "Hey- you can't go through life blaming others for your mistakes. You f&cked up- you trusted us". The voters trust politicians (a really effing bad idea) and the results screw everyone, every time it goes bad.
Legislation needs to be more thinking, less feeling. That's almost impossible with problems like guns, drugs and some others because so many people die from them.
Our rights need to be protected, that's not up for debate, but when somoene like Charleton Heston and Wayne LaPierre distort the intent of the NRA to grow it into a herd of gung ho idiots, it loses any distance between themselves and any other large group that poisons peoples' minds.
However, the thug life that looks so appealing on TV/movies/video games has caused a lot of the killing, the drug cartels/gangs and smaller level criminal activity cause more and it's not just access to guns, it's their effectiveness as threats and as a means to 'get the message across'- this is all well over 100 years old.
Until people take a second to think about the consequences of what they're about to do with a gun, it won't change and that applies to buying/stealing/picking up a gun. Unsecured guns are the goal now, more than money and other possessions when someone rifles through a car- it happens all over.
I don't know if you watch news fron Europe, but they're having more shootings and stabbings too, even in places where guns have been banned or restricted.