
Audioholic Warlord
Watching a crime docu. It was tried four times on murder and either thrown out or not enough evidence of guilt. So the military had a trial and found guilty. The little boys, now much older, as witnesses were the key so yeah that's real strong. Then a shard of glass on the military uniform wasn't conclusive but still entered into evidence. Also shells were found on the carpet by the cleaning crew later, so great job there by the investigating team. A panel of seven military made the decision, and it didn't need to be 100% in agreement. Maybe 4-3 or 5-2 at worst. Mmkay. :confused:


Audioholic Warlord
Also no blood. No DNA. Neighbor witness had the time at 10-1030pm, which meant the military person was just getting off their shift, which was located 140 miles away. The murder would have been estimated at 3am. The camo was different than the uniform worn in service. Another teen claimed to have bragged about the murder.


Audioholic Warlord
I remember recently hearing 'jurors like to have blood, DNA, fingerprints' etc. Yeah no poop. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I have no life.
I've done some pretty stupid things in the past but still can't get over the driver outside his car in the middle of a busy road without lights of any kind on. You could smoke a bowl of pot and still probably figure that one out. I just don't get it. I hope it's something like battery died and no power.

Another is the ability to park on the inside of two opposing lanes. As if the shoulder wasn't risky, that one just seems like a prayer. Also the crosswalk with two lanes going in each direction on a busy street. I've seen what looks like a main drag. Well people aren't going 30 that's for sure. Some of these is just common sense. One look and it's like ah I'll find another way to cross.
Milwaukee is combating reckless driving with this. It only cost $88K, too. I saw it on the road Wednesday- before the news report and didn't know what it was for, but wondered if the safety cones had been stolen.



Audioholic Warlord
HUD- it is one thing to give the needy public assistance as in an apartment, but why a house?


Audioholic Warlord
Note that my new job is at a more or less homeless apartment, and there really isn't an alternative for some of em. Drugs, lack of job skills, nobody would hire etc. So it's either they're on the streets, or this. I don't really see an alternative, but I'm wondering why a house? Large family?


Audioholic Warlord
I'm sure you've heard by now this one on how Pool and Rubin are accepting money from a Russia company to push their propaganda. Note the author says along the lines of "to keep pushing" this disinformation. Meaning to continue what they already were pushing the Russia nonsense I assume before being paid. Something in the neighborhood of $100k per week since they do have substantial subscribers.

It's why I believe conservative media, outside the WSJ, is largely dead. They have nothing to say for America, or for a Republic. I suppose it could work well enough for them, but they're void of any ideas. I think quite a bit of it is on auto-pilot. They'll say, "Well what about the liberal media?!?!," but I don't see the cartoonish clowns in the left like I do them.
After Trump is gone maybe, maybe they will get better. But is there any reason to really believe that?


Audioholic Warlord
It's what I've often wondered with conservative media. How are you going to win elections with a$$holes? Be even bigger a$$holes?? Quite the achievement. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Warlord
Tim Pool's dad calls in. I think there's some discrepancy between receiving money from Russia and them putting Pool and Rubin on their channel because their pushing the anti-Ukraine message. In the end it doesn't really matter much to me. There are conservatives pushing Russian propaganda to defeat Democrats.


Audioholic Warlord
That's the problem I think with conservative media. Since their template is so much built on the lie, their lies become even more and more. Now you're lying to cover up the lie. Until they turn into irrelevant. Russell Brand, Rubin, Pool, O'Reilly, Owens, Crowder etc. Hannity has done an exceptional job over the years staying relevant, or financially strong. But the headline "Sean Hannity is the longest running host in history" is pretty meaningless LOL. I imagine Pool could be in some deep doo-doo with a defamation case and has to spin it into outer space.


Audioholic Warlord
This is the look Matt Walsh was going for in his movie "Am I racist?" He might be the biggest ignoramus of the conservative pundits. Basically he's trying to crash the woke party.:rolleyes:


Audioholic Warlord
C'mon Musk. His own transgender kid changed their last name to disassociate from him. :(


Audioholic Warlord
A theory, but a good one IMO.....

Like most people, Elon Musk is bad at taking responsibility for his own actions.

All children rebel against their parents in some way. This is the natural state of human society. We have these stories in every culture, every religious tradition going back thousands of years.

Elon Musk tries very hard to be “cool”.

He lives in the most permissive place in the most permissive culture on Earth and chose to raise his kids there.


Everything is “normal” in California. Literally everything. Hippy communes, doomsday cults, body modification, hyper-capitalism and socialism living side by side. That is all good and a testament to the broad fabric of American society.

It’s a hard place to raise kids though.

The core responsibility of parents is to put up guardrails for their children to develop within. Every child will eventually rebel against these guardrails as they grow up. This is normal. This is how human society works. This is how it has always worked.

Elon Musk has a bunch of children. Ten are publicly known with three different wives since 2008.

So Musk has spent years carefully cultivating a certain public persona. He’s “brilliant”, iconoclastic, wildly successful, very opinionated and for a long time broadly open minded. At the same time he is cantankerous, rebellious and more than a bit of a troll.

Elon Musk wants to be “cool”.

Now when your father is arguably one of the most famous people on Earth, life can get weird. When that famous father is also quite polarizing it can get weirder. Being an oldest son is even more pressure because everyone expects “great things” out of you.

For a 13 year old boy, that’s a metric poop ton of pressure to contend with.

So you rebel, like all kids do to some degree.

My Mom, a former school teacher with multiple education related degrees and post graduate degrees says all kids have a “difficult stage” either early or late. Depending on how they process information and learn.

When you are the child of very intelligent and highly successful parents chances are good you have developed unique ways to process information and learn new things because you get exposed to so much.

It is also pertinent here that Musk’s children with author Justine Wilson are a set of twins and a set of triplets.

So it’s time to rebel. Your parents are highly successful and quite famous. You are also either a twin or a triplet. So establishing your own identity in this family is already tricky.

Your father is a “billionaire, playboy, philanthropist” but also a notorious online troll. How do you rebel? In California where getting a neck tattoo is passé.

You become a communist, which condemns the billionaire. You become transgendered, which condemns the playboy and you request a name change from the incredibly distinctive Musk to the utterly banal Wilson, which condemns both fame and legacy.

This is peak California teenaged rebellion right here.

Now I am not discounting the possibility that Musk’s daughter is truly transgendered but the sheer incidence of this among the children of super liberal, high society, West Coast elites is freaking suspicious. Anyone who says otherwise failed statistics in college.

I absolutely believe that the Two Spirit population of the World is absolutely natural and built into the human condition at a foundational level. It is however generally less than 1% of the population across every continent and culture. Unless there is some other factor which impacts this.

In Iran, where being homosexual is a death sentence but being Two Spirit is not, this is more common.

In California where everything is accepted, no matter how far out, it’s also more common. Much more common in this younger generation.

Elon Musk has been “consorting” with Amber Heard, the most hated woman in Hollywood, for a good ten years. He smokes weed openly on Joe Rogan’s podcast. He flirts with AOC in borderline creepy ways via TwitterX. He runs his own space program, builds the world’s most boutique major brand of cars and bought out a social media company. He built and sold flamethrowers to the general public on a lark. You can’t rebel against this father with standard options like vaping and a Mohawk, basic delinquency isn’t going to cut it, Dad’s lawyers will come bail you out a cut a check for restitution.

Nope you become a transgendered communist and ditch the old man’s last name. That will get his attention.

Elon Musk can blame it on the schools all he wants but everyone with kids knows what’s really up here.

Elon Musk is not noted for “keeping it in his pants” and older sons tend to get mad when dad cheats on mom. So they shut dad out and then when it’s time to need that figure in their life again, they don’t know how to handle rapprochement. So they act out.

Elon Musk has been wildly successful at life but he’s not exactly been a candidate for father of the year. His marriage to Justine Wilson ended after six kids, one died as a baby and seven years. Then he married Taleulah Riley twice in five or six years, without children only to get divorced for a third time and take up house with Grimes, a Canadian musician who they then had two more kids. Meaning three kids are from non-household relationships. And he was apparently still interacting with Amber Heard quite a bit through two of these relationships.

That’s a lot of household turmoil for kids.

Musk has obviously provided an incredibly permissive household with a lot of “non-standard” exposures for these children. He has been partnered to a writer, an actress and a pop star and has been known to date supermodels and actresses in his personal life.

Is school really the problem?

Warren Buffet, who Musk likes to take swipes at sometimes has been married to the same woman for decades. He raised all of his kids in Nebraska and most of the grandkids are there too. An utterly “normal” family except grandpa is one of the richest men in the world. He still loads kids in the bed of the pickup to watch high school football games on Friday nights and to go get ice cream.

Bill Gates stayed with Melinda for years, their kids grew up in Seattle and had utterly normal schedules where they played organized sports and had sleepovers. All of them were told early their inheritance would be a “paltry” $10 million bucks and the rest was going to charity. So no super yachts as wedding presents.

Pretty much all of the things that make Musk interesting also lead me to believe he’s not an ideal parent.

School cannot make your kids hate you.

You can do that all by yourself.

This is also a phase that most kids go through.

Being Elon Musk does not allow you to sidestep a basic reality of the human condition.

Parenting is hard and you have to actually work at it.

With ten children, statistically Musk was actually likely to have a child that was LGBTQ+, that’s just how averages work out.

The communism is purely a phase. Although it’s going to be a rough one. Champagne Socialists are the absolute worst form because they have no earthly idea what they are talking about.

The name change probably hurts more than anything else. That would get someone with Musk’s well known ego riled up.

Now I am not discounting that “wokeism” has gone too damn far in some cases. Equality and inclusivity are good things. “Equity” in this modern context is not.

I personally don’t want teachers discussing human sexuality with my seven year olds. That’s just weird and inappropriate. That’s my job. Mine and the families’ responsibility. Just like religion, philosophy and yes politics.

Musk can be angry at the school but did he Vet this school fully? He has the ability to put them in school, anywhere in the world. He has the ability to build a school and staff it with the best educators on the damn planet if he wanted.

He however took the easy path and listened to everyone else and put them in the goofy, upper class, liberal school all of the other rich people in that area put their kids into.

The rest of us, the rest of the country don’t have that luxury. We send our kids to public school and then quiz them, everyday on what they learned, what happened to them, who their friends are. To the point where we become annoying. We aren’t “cool” and never will be.

Which is fine.

I didn’t realize how lucky I got with parents until I was grown. They weren’t perfect but they were pretty good. I rebelled too and they let me, to a point. I however started off with much tighter controls than I suspect Musk had. My Dad wouldn’t even leave us alone around certain relatives because he didn’t want us to hear certain things or he exposed to certain ideas that would be an impediment in later life. This wasn’t a safety issue, it was purely formational.

Blaming a school, when you are this rich is a cop out.

Parenting is hard. It is not a part time job.

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