Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Audioholic General
The Grateful Dead’s biggest fan, Bill Walton, passed away. A great Basketball player and a great lover of music. RIP.


Seriously, I have no life.
Was watching a video on suburban and the sameyness of it. I actually don't think much will change regarding building out. The point, I believe, was to get away from city crime. Therefore if there were more public transit, parks, walk and bike ways, it kind of goes against that because it's bringing it to them sort of. So maybe it's more than just single home zoning laws but what residents want.
By "building out", do you mean moving out from a city to the surrounding areas? In urban planning, that's called 'decentralization' and it's one of the only alternatives to over-crowded cities if they can't or won't build taller- it's also a place where people who can afford it build to 'get away' and many of them were wealthy.

The area where I grew up was originally part of the city of Milwaukee, but it was called 'North Milwaukee' when it became what it's called now, but they opted to form the local government as a village before eventually becoming a city. My parents decided to build there because of the high taxes in MKE, but also because people weren't packed in so tightly, better general conditions and it's still a quiet place. I moved back to the area when my parents started to have medical issues and it was a lot easier to be where I was needed when the wheels were falling off, but the vast majority of the noise we hear is from MKE, whether the noisemakers are stationary or when someone is fleeing from the Police and driving like a moron. I'm less than a mile from the PD and a fire station, so we hear sirens for fire/EMS calls, but we're accustomed to that. Hearing gunfire from MKE is never acceptable, but it happens frequently.

Farther out from the first ring outside of the city is where people want a more 'country-like' lifestyle and in many cases, larger land parcels are available. I have a friend whose place is larger, on an acre and his property tax bill is about 60% of mine. The sales tax is 2.5% lower too, because he's not in MKE county or city.


Audioholic Spartan
We heard all about it- it's not only that incident, it's his whole life. His mom kept bailing him out and he used her Jeep for this attack. He was supposed to be on meds, but decided to stop.

The judge in the previous case (for him hitting the motor of his child in the same Jeep) was previously a MKE prosecutor and he was the one who went after someone for election fraud, misconduct in public office and perjury- that was my first time on jury duty and he seemed pretty level-headed, but letting this guy go with $500 bail because he said he was indigent? Nope, not for running someone over.
Guy is nuts. On trial he basically argues everything and is seeking an appeal.


Audioholic Spartan
Pretty dark so warning....

Guy pours gasoline on himself and his girlfriend and threatens to use a lighter. Later is considered a "light" risk. Then he kills 7.

They make decisions based on prison occupancy or something? I hope the jackass who called that one no longer has a license.


Audioholic Spartan
Also these speeches victims families end up giving cause the court is I dunno not quite reliable. If the killer had a knife cutter in his backpack well that was probably not a psychotic episode but premeditated. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
Remember years ago working at a restaurant. On my last day, referring to the mop bucket basin, cook says, Welp that will never be cleaned again. I was a dishwasher/cleaner then. Still cracks me up. :p


Audioholic Spartan
HD Supply- it's the business industry version of Home Depot I guess. Quite a few of the prices are insane. I'll be looking for something and the price will be $40 dollars for a bottle of cleaner. Some of the hazard cleanup stuff I imagine is difficult to find elsewhere. I can't get myself to just put it in the cart cause yanno it's expensive. Terrible business model IMO. I don't get it. The other apartment I worked at were the same way. Anything outside HD Supply you couldn't buy stuff. This place I'm at now is similar. I tried going through regular HD, but they said no. I think Lowes is on our radar for shopping. I've been told if you need something just order. Doesn't make sense to me.


Audioholic Spartan
$16 for a gl of Windex. Not too bad considering it's $11-12 regular or $10 on sale. The 38oz of Dawn was $16 I believe. Gotta be three times the cost. I'll try Zep cleaners next time cause they're cheaper. I could fill a bottle 10% with bleach and add dawn and there's my bleach cleaner. Did get a gl of disinfectant, but I think that was only $10. Fabuloso is concentrated. I'll use that too as a general cleaner.


Audioholic Spartan
Was watching a PBS documentary on the church. Yeah God doesn't mean much if you don't have food, clothes, or shelter. But it isn't about the "bling" either. There's people at the service in their nice clothes and expensive jewelry. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I have no life.


Seriously, I have no life.
Was watching a PBS documentary on the church. Yeah God doesn't mean much if you don't have food, clothes, or shelter. But it isn't about the "bling" either. There's people at the service in their nice clothes and expensive jewelry. :rolleyes:
Some of the most fervent believers have nothing or next to nothing- you haven't seen that?

And WRT the bling, the RC church has a shyteload of gold and art that is spread around the world, much of it from donations, some stolen artwork held after WWII ended


Audioholic Spartan
Some of the most fervent believers have nothing or next to nothing- you haven't seen that?

And WRT the bling, the RC church has a shyteload of gold and art that is spread around the world, much of it from donations, some stolen artwork held after WWII ended
It was a documentary on the history of the black church. Some time after the MLK assassination, there's a pastor who is promoting the bling based on poverty. Uh no matter how hard you try, driving up to a church in a Lamborghini doesn't look right. :rolleyes: Hopefully these "mega" churches are free to attend if you catch my drift.


Seriously, I have no life.
It was a documentary on the history of the black church. Some time after the MLK assassination, there's a pastor who is promoting the bling based on poverty. Uh no matter how hard you try, driving up to a church in a Lamborghini doesn't look right. :rolleyes: Hopefully these "mega" churches are free to attend if you catch my drift.
Free? Oh, I don't think so!


Audioholic Spartan
There was a different pastor who was wearing a gold cross. If it's genuine that had to cost thousands. WTF lol.


Audioholic Spartan
Crime docus- I'm trying to help you here. No phone. Buried deep in the woods. Don't throw the body on the edge of the highway, or leave it in the house. Also like the crazy killer eyes that gives it away way before the ending LOL.


Audioholic Ninja
Makes one wonder: In the news today "
New Jersey mother charged with murder after the stabbing, drowning of her 2 children

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