Problems with Republicans II



Audioholic Spartan

"Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law."
--Thomas Jefferson

"The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion."
--John Adams

"All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify, and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit."
--Thomas Paine

"Religion and government will both exist in greater purity the less they are mixed together.
--James Madison
Think any of this matters to so called "Christan Nationalists"? Doubt it.


Audioholic Spartan
In hindsight I think it actually makes sense the evangelicals like Trump. He's an authoritarian. However, my guess is while some of the Founders might have been religious in their private lives, they didn't want religion to rule gov't or the people. The Pledge of Allegiance even contains a couple contradictions like "under God" and "for liberty and justice for all." I don't think religionists really believe in the freedom from religion.


Audioholic Spartan
In hindsight I think it actually makes sense the evangelicals like Trump. He's an authoritarian. However, my guess is while some of the Founders might have been religious in their private lives, they didn't want religion to rule gov't or the people. The Pledge of Allegiance even contains a couple contradictions like "under God" and "for liberty and justice for all." I don't think religionists really believe in the freedom from religion.
I think that the "under God" part was added in the 1950s.


Seriously, I have no life.
In hindsight I think it actually makes sense the evangelicals like Trump. He's an authoritarian. However, my guess is while some of the Founders might have been religious in their private lives, they didn't want religion to rule gov't or the people. The Pledge of Allegiance even contains a couple contradictions like "under God" and "for liberty and justice for all." I don't think religionists really believe in the freedom from religion.
Indeed. Ben Franklin was at least agnostic or even atheist. Constitution does not have "God" in there. "Creator" is and can be interpreted in a number of ways.


Audioholic Jedi
Yes, the pledge wasn't amended with under god until 54....during that other "great" republican period with the red scare....and I thought McCarthy couldn't be exceeded....drumph makes him look like an amateur.


Seriously, I have no life.
I know of someone who said "I changed my name to Christian because, well, I am". Then he scammed his girlfriend into wasting a ton of money on him and his mom.

What a guy.


Seriously, I have no life.
I doubt evangelists like Trump, it may be the only alternative. Anyway they are definitely socialists and if the democrats can't attract their vote you may have to reconsider what it is they stand for. What s sure is that the mainstream is being duped on both sides because that's way we like it.
Why would anyone call him an Evangelist?

Aside from this definition-

"One who promulgates or promotes something enthusiastically"


Audioholic Jedi
Why would anyone call him an Evangelist?

Aside from this definition-

"One who promulgates or promotes something enthusiastically"
Because he's as full of s**t as your typical envangelist? He just doesn't have to spend as much time on it with his base.


Junior Audioholic
Long story short I don't think Republicans (or their voters) really believe in journalism. Every link I've seen is Republicans trust the news even less, but the question for me remains: what are you doing about it? I'd argue there isn't really a goal beyond flooding the zone with more poop. Not ALL conservatives, but a wide enough plane of crap that covers over any conservative voice. I think their MO is the Left control our schools, the universities, and the media. And how much of that is true I cannot really say because well the conservatives are probably not interested in going into any details on that. You could argue I'm biased, and to be honest I am on some level. But I've often wondered can the Republicans even sell conservativism on its own merits???

I don't think anyone trusts the media at this point. It's probably the one and only thing both conservatives and liberals agree on.


Audioholic Jedi
I don't think anyone trusts the media at this point. It's probably the one and only thing both conservatives and liberals agree on.
Trust the media for what particularly? Their opinions or ?


Audioholic General
Did I make a mistake joining this forum or did you make a mistake noticing the reference, or context, or comma in the reply?

Get a life, :)
Joining Audioholics to comment on these political rant threads is pretty tacky.

At least talk about some old speakers or a malfunctioning amp for a few posts before you start giving your political opinion that no one cares about....I would say you need to get a life.


Audioholic Spartan
Yes, political rant threads in an audio forum is tacky.
About audio, a Sonos 5 solves the problem 99% of the time so not much to discuss really.
This is the "Steam" Vent.


Yes, political rant threads in an audio forum is tacky.
About audio, a Sonos 5 solves the problem 99% of the time so not much to discuss really.
You are definitely a trolling idjit

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Seriously, I have no life.
Did I make a mistake joining this forum or did you make a mistake noticing the reference, or context, or comma in the reply?

Get a life, :)
I think the comma bounced off of my eyes.....

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