Problems with Republicans II



Audioholic Spartan
Long story short I don't think Republicans (or their voters) really believe in journalism. Every link I've seen is Republicans trust the news even less, but the question for me remains: what are you doing about it? I'd argue there isn't really a goal beyond flooding the zone with more poop. Not ALL conservatives, but a wide enough plane of crap that covers over any conservative voice. I think their MO is the Left control our schools, the universities, and the media. And how much of that is true I cannot really say because well the conservatives are probably not interested in going into any details on that. You could argue I'm biased, and to be honest I am on some level. But I've often wondered can the Republicans even sell conservativism on its own merits???



Audioholic Spartan
I've seen a number of instances where Republicans have asked for CNN to "report it." Yeah see that's not how it works.:rolleyes: Anything damaging to them and it will be buried in the "opinion" section. The Left typically report on the Right; the Right report on the Left. If you ask me it's lazy. The assumption is the Left have a monopoly on the media, but I dunno.....


Seriously, I have no life.
I've seen a number of instances where Republicans have asked for CNN to "report it." Yeah see that's not how it works.:rolleyes: Anything damaging to them and it will be buried in the "opinion" section. The Left typically report on the Right; the Right report on the Left. If you ask me it's lazy. The assumption is the Left have a monopoly on the media, but I dunno.....
Have you seen poll results when people were asked if they trust the media? The % is low, but still higher than approval for Congressm and Congress has had low approval for a long time.

There's a saying- "If you want to see something nice about you, take out an ad".


Audioholic Warlord
Long story short I don't think Republicans (or their voters) really believe in journalism. Every link I've seen is Republicans trust the news even less
This is nothing new. It dates back as long ago as the Nixon administration. Nixon et al. believed that Watergate was a crisis manufactured by the press, particularly the Washington Post and the New York Times. They wrongly believed that an intense public relations effort would win the approval of the US public. That failed.

To be fair, Lyndon Johnson also believed that "we" lost in Vietnam because of Walter Cronkite and CBS News. But the Nixon White House took that idea much further.

In particular, a Nixon White House aide, Roger Ailes, came out of Watergate believing that all the TV and printed news was biased unfairly against Republicans. That triggered his efforts to create Faux News.


Audioholic Warlord
… But I've often wondered can the Republicans even sell conservativism on its own merits???
For a long time, the GOP has advocated unlimited gun ownership, along with prohibiting abortion.

The first idea says that government has no place regulating gun ownership or gun sales, but the second idea says that government must banish abortion, and for that matter birth control. In the sense that one advocates individual freedom and the other advocates strict limits on personal freedom, those two ideas directly clash with each other.

Which one is the real conservatism?
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Audioholic Spartan
This is nothing new. It dates back as long ago as the Nixon administration. Nixon et al. believed that Watergate was a crisis manufactured by the press, particularly the Washington Post and the New York Times. They wrongly believed that an intense public relations effort would win the approval of the US public. That failed.

To be fair, Lyndon Johnson also believed that "we" lost in Vietnam because of Walter Cronkite and CBS News. But the Nixon White House took that idea much further.

In particular, a Nixon White House aide, Roger Ailes, came out of Watergate believing that all the TV and printed news was biased unfairly against Republicans. That triggered his efforts to create Faux News.
No I guess it isn't anything new.


Audioholic Spartan
For a long time, the GOP has advocated unlimited gun ownership, along with prohibiting abortion.

The first says that government has no place regulating gun ownership or gun sales, but that it must banish abortion, and for that matter birth control. In the sense that one advocates individual freedom and the other advocates strict limits on personal freedom, those two ideas are directly opposed to each other.

Which one is the real conservatism?
I was talking about articulating differences in policy, or using news to highlight problems with democratic policy. Or any journalism (ie news gathering). I think they're much more after narrative. Things like Cruz grilling a Democrat during a House hearing strikes me as more political theater than fact. I'm not entirely sure on that though. That would mean I'd have to watch a house hearing with Cruz, Jordan, and MTG lol. To know our tax dollars is paying for this lol. I'm sure though the WSJ is a beacon of light in a pile of steam.


Audioholic Spartan
For a long time, the GOP has advocated unlimited gun ownership, along with prohibiting abortion.

The first says that government has no place regulating gun ownership or gun sales, but that it must banish abortion, and for that matter birth control. In the sense that one advocates individual freedom and the other advocates strict limits on personal freedom, those two ideas are directly opposed to each other.

Which one is the real conservatism?
Neither I guess.


Seriously, I have no life.
For a long time, the GOP has advocated unlimited gun ownership, along with prohibiting abortion.

The first says that government has no place regulating gun ownership or gun sales, but that it must banish abortion, and for that matter birth control. In the sense that one advocates individual freedom and the other advocates strict limits on personal freedom, those two ideas are directly opposed to each other.

Which one is the real conservatism?
Religious people usually don't want abortion, guns really aren't intended for criminal use- unfortunately, that's how far too many are used, but not typically by legal gun owners. That said, far too many legal gun owners are idiots when it comes to storage/security and in fact, use.

IMO, we should be able to defend ourselves, but better ways of excluding gun owners who have mental illness/aren't clinically classified as 'defective' but have serious anger problems and addictions are needed. We can't continue letting people have guns when they can't control their own behavior and are too stupid to prevent access by someone who shouldn't be able to use them.

There are too many causes for the high number of shooting deaths on a daily basis to think that solutions will come quickly, especially when people can't agree on the causes. The courts need to yank their heads out of their a$$es, too- too many deaths have occurred very soon after someone has been released, like the recent stabbings in Chicago.


Audioholic Spartan
I think what it is is Republicans believe in free economies but want socialized religion. However, I'm guessing the founders didn't want the latter. Some of them believed in god, but they didn't want a theocracy. I don't think all Republicans want this, but I'd guess quite a few do. I've heard, I think God should rule!, and that's telling me they want some type of mandatory bible study or prayer. They key point is in public schools. Some type of nationalized. Dennis Prager for sure.


Audioholic Jedi
I think like AM rage radio, many republicans just want to hear what they want to hear and like getting all fearful and riled up from it.....crazed grandpa syndrome?

liquor sign.jpg


Audioholic Spartan
Once it became PragerU ah well see it is just as credentialed as a real university. ;)


Seriously, I have no life.
Religious people usually don't want abortion, ...
Interestingly, no one if forcing them to get an abortion. But they surely want to force their "no abortion' ideology on everyone else.


The most civilized political discussion ever. Well done.


Audioholic Spartan
Religious pluralism
Christian Nationalism


Audioholic Spartan

"Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law."
--Thomas Jefferson

"The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion."
--John Adams

"All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify, and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit."
--Thomas Paine

"Religion and government will both exist in greater purity the less they are mixed together.
--James Madison

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