

Audioholic Warlord
Our 'immigration problem" goes back much further in time, since the 1980s or earlier. The last major change in the immigration law was in the 1960s during LBJ's time. There was another smaller change in immigration law in the 1990s, but since then nothing.

The difficulties with refugees on our southern border date back to when we started supporting, propping up, and arming right-wing dictatorships, mainly in Central America – especially in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Mexico. Basically, we supported anyone who opposed efforts at Communist intervention in their countries. Once in power, they almost always cracked down hard on their own citizens, creating a lot of refugees. So, indirectly, our governments, and the various presidents, created the problem.

No one in Congress has stepped forward to correct the "immigration problem" by addressing the real reasons why so many people were driven from their countries. Plenty have turned the "problem" into political tools during elections, but none have sponsored a workable solution.

First, a major update to immigration is required. The GOP has repeatedly blocked that from happening, since Newt Gingrich in the 1990s. At the same time, they have turned the so-called "immigration problem" in a campaign strategy, but they never followed up in addressing the source of the problem. They've ignored wealthy land owners and large farmers in the US who actually want an updated form of temporary status for farm laborers.
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Senior Audioholic
Serious question.
IF trump was never president, or in politics at all. Would you guys still think Biden was a good president?
But the question is what is good? What is he being compared against?

For me, relative to the presidents in my lifetime, I give him a passing grade. I wasn't 100% enamored by any president in my nearly 60 years of life. They all have pluses and minuses and have to deal with the current members of congress to get anything done. Even the ones I didn't like I think did few good things. But, as the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Audioholic Overlord
I don't think the US constitution was designed to enable two dominant parties; that's just the way things panned out.
10.1 History of American Political Parties – American Government and Politics in the Information Age (umn.edu)

The UK doesn't actually have a coalition government. The Conservative party has a majority in parliament, meaning they don't need any other parties' members' votes to pass legislation. Despite that, they needlessly threw the country into turmoil by holding the Brexit referendum. Largely because of the chaos created by Brexit, the Tories have been cycling through leaders* (PMs) at an unprecedented rate. So, holding that majority hasn't been a recipe for stability for them.

In contrast, Canada does have a coalition government, of sorts. The Liberal party is in a minority position, meaning they have a plurality of seats in Parliament, but not a majority. To pass legislation, they need votes from other parties. For the past couple of terms in office, the New Democratic Party (NDP) has generally enabled the passing of legislation, as their combined seat numbers would form a majority. Up until a few years ago, the Conservatives (Tories) could actually be relied upon to add at least some yea votes on bills. However, they have been steadily becoming the "Maple MAGA" party and under their current leader, Pierre Poilievre, that extreme partisanship has lead to them voting unanimously against legislation in knee-jerk fashion.

So, while the UK's majority government is a $hitshow, Canada's minority government is managing to get $hit done.**

My point is that coalitions don't necessarily lead to unstable governments, while one party in a majority position doesn't automatically lead to smooth sailing either.

*Unlike the US, countries with Westminster parliamentary systems of government, e.g. the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, don't directly elect heads of government. Party leaders are elected by the party members and if their party wins a plurality of seats in an election, the party leader becomes Prime Minister.

**To be clear, I'm not a big fan of our PM - never have been - but I respect what he's managed to get done nevertheless. And, as long as the Tories insist on keeping their collective heads up their collective asses, I don't think I have any option but to support the Liberals.
Not gonna lie… been like 35 yrs since social studies and civics were a thing in my brain. I’ve been a good American and killed most of those brain cells.
:oops: :p
But seriously, while I am certain I’ve forgotten some key points, I do recall previous power sharing governments in the UK. But more to my point, while they have maintained function for the most part, Israel and Italy do not. Yes, they are extreme examples.
So if it’s happenstance that we have maintained largely a 2-party system, it’s worked out for the most part, imo.
Of course things can be better, but it’s hard to plan some 200 yrs into the future! ;)
Sadly, our single biggest problem in the US is voter apathy, especially where it matters most: local and state elections.

Anyway. I have my shortcomings and I’m not going to pretend I don’t.
Moreover, I’m still without power after the storm that blew through yesterday, and there’s still no word on what PG&E is doing. But it is bad here on the west coast. LA and large swaths of SoCal and the Central Coast are particularly hard hit. Saying that in comparison to what we just had is kinda frightening!


Audioholic Spartan
Well, it didn't start under Obama either.
I never said it did, only went back a couple presidents to show it is an ongoing , continued problem that has only gotten WORSE !

The only sure way to fix the border issue is to fix the broken countries that are the sources of illegal immigrants.
Not gonna argue that, you wanna pay for it ? in the mean time get tough and enforce the laws we have on the books now. If the Biden administration is overwhelmed with that then close the damn border.


Audioholic Spartan
I never said it did, only went back a couple presidents to show it is an ongoing , continued problem that has only gotten WORSE !
And I never claimed you said it did.:p

But seriously, has it really gotten worse? I suppose it depends on how you look at it. While the number of people intercepted at the southern border has skyrocketed, the number of people who have managed to sneak in is far less than in 2020. The devil is in the details, I guess.

Not gonna argue that, you wanna pay for it ? in the mean time get tough and enforce the laws we have on the books now. If the Biden administration is overwhelmed with that then close the damn border.
I don't have any easy answer as to how those countries get fixed, but that's what it will take.


Audioholic Ninja
The only sure way to fix the border issue is to fix the broken countries that are the sources of illegal immigrants.
And how in pray tell are you going to do that. Take over all of Mexico. According to the Migration Policy Institute, Mexicans represented 53% of the illegal immigrant population. The next largest percentages were from Asia (16%), El Salvador (6%), and Guatemala (5%).


Seriously, I have no life.
Regardless how you all vote, remember and keep in mind that if neither of the candidates receive 270 electoral college votes, the House is the one that will elect the next president.
Who are the gamblers?


Audioholic Spartan
Count me as voting against Trump not necessarily for Biden. I think there are a whole lot of voters out there who are sick and tired of MAGA.


Audioholic Spartan
And how in pray tell are you going to do that. Take over all of Mexico. According to the Migration Policy Institute, Mexicans represented 53% of the illegal immigrant population. The next largest percentages were from Asia (16%), El Salvador (6%), and Guatemala (5%).
I already said that I don't have the answer. But, to make a meaningful reduction in the pressure on the border, massive changes in the living conditions of people in those countries must happen.

Oppressive and corrupt political conditions cause many people to live in a constant state of fear. Fragile economies were easily knocked out by Covid and the inflation that followed. Farmers that were hanging on by their fingernails before, have seen crops wiped out because of worsening weather conditions, largely due to climate change.

Continuous attempts to plug holes in the border, while there is continuing and increasing pressure on it, is akin to addressing a leaky basement by installing more sump pumps.


Audioholic Spartan
I already said that I don't have the answer. But, to make a meaningful reduction in the pressure on the border, massive changes in the living conditions of people in those countries must happen.

Oppressive and corrupt political conditions cause many people to live in a constant state of fear.
Your last sentence speaks many truths and with that they seek to come here for the 'better life' .......

well , I guess it's a start, more than my Great Grandfather got when he came here(legally) from Scotland a long time ago ! ;)


Audioholic Ninja
Your last sentence speaks many truths and with that they seek to come here for the 'better life' .......

well , I guess it's a start, more than my Great Grandfather got when he came here(legally) from Scotland a long time ago ! ;)
Makes you wonder, These free food credit cards, I guess the Major in NY doesn't care about US citizens that are homeless and hungry or Vets, but would rather give credit cards and lodging to illegals. OH also in NYC, " NYC Health Department giving out free Naloxone kits ( Narcan) amid overdose crisis "


Audioholic Ninja
I already said that I don't have the answer. But, to make a meaningful reduction in the pressure on the border, massive changes in the living conditions of people in those countries must happen.

Oppressive and corrupt political conditions cause many people to live in a constant state of fear. Fragile economies were easily knocked out by Covid and the inflation that followed. Farmers that were hanging on by their fingernails before, have seen crops wiped out because of worsening weather conditions, largely due to climate change.

Continuous attempts to plug holes in the border, while there is continuing and increasing pressure on it, is akin to addressing a leaky basement by installing more sump pumps.
So basically the United States must go into Mexico and make it livable by wiping out crime, get rid of their corrupt politicians, save their farmers and basically build up their infra structure. Got it.
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Audioholic Spartan
Makes you wonder, These free food credit cards, I guess the Major in NY doesn't care about US citizens that are homeless and hungry or Vets, but would rather give credit cards and lodging to illegals. OH also in NYC, " NYC Health Department giving out free Naloxone kits ( Narcan) amid overdose crisis "
And sadly the slogan goes........... 'Coming to another Democrat run dung hole near you'

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