All subs in your price point will have some sort of "hump" response. You'd have to go to something like RSL Speedwoofer 10S MKII to avoid it, but it's $150 extra. James said small bookshelf speakers, and I won't call Audition C4 "small." Like I said, C5 would have better integration with that sub, and you wouldn't have these issues. C5 FR range spec down to 73hz, you could probably set your receiver crossover at 70 or 80 and have good results.
@shadyJ - Would Monolith SW-15 with Audition C5 speakers for LCR be an okay match?
I agree with
@isolar8001 - I missed the Dirac feature - then yes, the Pio is probably fine.
As far as audio streaming options, I don't use them on AVR, so I wouldn't know how important or not these to you.