
Audioholic Spartan
Hugh Hewitt defines the liberal media's coverage of Trump as malpractice LOL. Its but another way they change the narrative. I think also beyond Bridgegate the reason voters dislike Christie is because he's often telling the truth on Trump.


Audioholic Spartan
Counseling now available for recovering MAGAholics. Wishing you continued sobriety in your journey. :)


Audioholic General
Some of the voice mails Trump's judge is receiving in the New York case....



Audioholic Spartan

If Trump actually did shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue, as he once famously joked, it’s possible that his approval ratings wouldn’t budge at all. A CNN reporter recently interviewed six loyal Trump supporters in Pennsylvania. When one woman admitted that there was virtually nothing Trump could do to lose her vote, the interviewer asked how she might react if the president were to shoot somebody. She responded that she would want to know what the victim had done to deserve being shot.


Seriously, I have no life.

If Trump actually did shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue, as he once famously joked, it’s possible that his approval ratings wouldn’t budge at all. A CNN reporter recently interviewed six loyal Trump supporters in Pennsylvania. When one woman admitted that there was virtually nothing Trump could do to lose her vote, the interviewer asked how she might react if the president were to shoot somebody. She responded that she would want to know what the victim had done to deserve being shot.
In the middle of 5th Ave? How about on the sidewalks? ;) :D

Virtually? What would change their minds, I wonder. :eek:


Audioholic Spartan
Another thoughtful, positive Thanksgiving tweet from Donald J this morning. So sad that anyone actually backs this guy. As a USAF Vet I have no use for this draft dodger and his utter contempt of those of us who have served.


Audioholic Spartan
Another thoughtful, positive Thanksgiving tweet from Donald J this morning. So sad that anyone actually backs this guy. As a USAF Vet I have no use for this draft dodger and his utter contempt of those of us who have served.
What did he say now?


Audioholic Spartan
Just the usual trashing of the judges and prosecutors in his New York trial. Then he condemned the leftists, communists, and Rinos with his usual hate filled tweet. You would think that he might tone it down on Thanksgiving but not a chance. I've never seen a more vindictive, hateful, narcissistic person in my life. Happy Thanksgiving Donald.


Audioholic Spartan
Just the usual trashing of the judges and prosecutors in his New York trial. Then he condemned the leftists, communists, and Rinos with his usual hate filled tweet. You would think that he might tone it down on Thanksgiving but not a chance. I've never seen a more vindictive, hateful, narcissistic person in my life. Happy Thanksgiving Donald.
He visited a firefighter station once on the 20th anniversary of 9-11 and talked about how the election was rigged. He showed up anyway.:rolleyes:;)


Audioholic Spartan
The funny ones on some would vote for Trump in prison, or trust in Trump is at a higher percentage than trust in family. Must be some damaged families LOL.


Audioholic Spartan
Written in 2016 but pretty accurate IMO.

Trump’s agreeableness seems even more extreme than his extroversion, but in the opposite direction. Arguably the most highly valued human trait the world over, agreeableness pertains to the extent to which a person appears to be caring, loving, affectionate, polite, and kind.


People low in agreeableness are described as callous, rude, arrogant, and lacking in empathy. If Donald Trump does not score low on this personality dimension, then probably nobody does.


Indeed, anger may be the operative emotion behind Trump’s high extroversion as well as his low agreeableness. Anger can fuel malice, but it can also motivate social dominance, stoking a desire to win the adoration of others. Combined with a considerable gift for humor (which may also be aggressive), anger lies at the heart of Trump’s charisma. And anger permeates his political rhetoric.


Research shows that people low in agreeableness are typically viewed as untrustworthy. Dishonesty and deceit brought down Nixon and damaged the institution of the presidency. It is generally believed today that all politicians lie, or at least dissemble, but Trump appears extreme in this regard. Assessing the truthfulness of the 2016 candidates’ campaign statements, PolitiFact recently calculated that only 2 percent of the claims made by Trump are true, 7 percent are mostly true, 15 percent are half true, 15 percent are mostly false, 42 percent are false, and 18 percent are “pants on fire.” Adding up the last three numbers (from mostly false to flagrantly so), Trump scores 75 percent. The corresponding figures for Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton, respectively, are 66, 32, 31, and 29 percent.


Being “saved” has a special resonance among evangelicals—saved from sin and damnation, of course, but also saved from the threats and impurities of a corrupt and dangerous world.


When my research associates and I once asked politically conservative Christians scoring high on authoritarianism to imagine what their life (and their world) might have been like had they never found religious faith, many described utter chaos—families torn apart, rampant infidelity and hate, cities on fire, the inner rings of hell. By contrast, equally devout politically liberal Christians who scored low on authoritarianism described a barren world depleted of all resources, joyless and bleak, like the arid surface of the moon. For authoritarian Christians, a strong faith—like a strong leader—saves them from chaos and tamps down fears and conflicts. Donald Trump is a savior, even if he preens and swears, and waffles on the issue of abortion.


Hillary Clinton's remarks about a "basket of deplorables" referred to a portion of Trump's supporters. Speaking at a fundraising event in New York City, she said, "You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right," eliciting laughter and applause from the audience. She described these supporters as "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it." Clinton asserted that Trump had amplified these sentiments through his campaign rhetoric and social media activities. She pointed out the trump bumper stickers combined with confederate flags. She further noted that while some of these individuals might be beyond redemption, they do not represent the entirety of America.

Some of this verbiage, I think, directly caused her to lose votes.


Audioholic Spartan
Hillary Clinton's remarks about a "basket of deplorables" referred to a portion of Trump's supporters. Speaking at a fundraising event in New York City, she said, "You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right," eliciting laughter and applause from the audience. She described these supporters as "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it." Clinton asserted that Trump had amplified these sentiments through his campaign rhetoric and social media activities. She pointed out the trump bumper stickers combined with confederate flags. She further noted that while some of these individuals might be beyond redemption, they do not represent the entirety of America.

Some of this verbiage, I think, directly caused her to lose votes.
"Half"of the them no, but what bothered them about her comment is she was right.


Audioholic Spartan
As an overview the best very early on in his presidency....

If one focuses purely on the policies it is possible to arguably forgive Trump his excesses in language.

However, the presidency is more than just the policies, it is also judgement and effectiveness. And these statements are troubling against the criteria of Trump's language.

Finally of course, he who succeeds by showmanship of words also will probably fail by showmanship of words unless they are very careful, and as his supporters are sometimes gleeful to point out, Trump is typically not careful.

So it does depend upon your perspective. As Trump makes more and more judgment errors in his statements, typically one would expect the body politic to become increasingly less forgiving. We will see if this holds true this time.


Audioholic Spartan
Trump has visited a major production warehouse, but he is walking in the yellow hazard area where forklifts travel. What do you do?

a. Inform your immediate manager
b. Stop and assist Trump away from the hazard
c. All of the above
d. Accelerate :p


Audioholic Spartan
Guest on Hugh Hewitt...

Trump's support is at its strongest when he is in court. ;)

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