
Audioholic Spartan
Another favorite is the closet Trump voter. One person said, Too see heads explode. When I pointed out what they said ah no they didn't mean that. :p Or Hugh Hewitt's Americans have more important things to worry about than these silly indictments. Then later, It's the 25% MAGA. This was the person who said along the lines of you can trust him hahaha. Then the recent We dont love Trump. Uh he has a projected 40 pt lead, so I imagine someone loves him Or the reason for Trump is because of Hillary. Doesn't explain the primaries or the last seven years without her.


Audioholic Spartan
Another favorite is the closet Trump voter. One person said, Too see heads explode. When I pointed out what they said ah no they didn't mean that. :p Or Hugh Hewitt's Americans have more important things to worry about than these silly indictments. Then later, It's the 25% MAGA. This was the person who said along the lines of you can trust him hahaha. Then the recent We dont love Trump. Uh he has a projected 40 pt lead, so I imagine someone loves him Or the reason for Trump is because of Hillary. Doesn't explain the primaries or the last seven years without her.
Hillary was right with her comment about the basket of deplorables. By now every Trump supporter should know what he is.

>>>…. “You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right,” Clinton said, drawing laughter and applause as she addressed about 1,000 donors at an LGBT for Hillary fundraising gala in New York City, “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it.” Adding that Trump had “given voice” to many of those elements through his campaign rhetoric and retweets, she continued that, “some of those folks—they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America.” …<<<



Audioholic Spartan
Hillary was right with her comment about the basket of deplorables. By now every Trump supporter should know what he is.

>>>…. “You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right,” Clinton said, drawing laughter and applause as she addressed about 1,000 donors at an LGBT for Hillary fundraising gala in New York City, “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it.” Adding that Trump had “given voice” to many of those elements through his campaign rhetoric and retweets, she continued that, “some of those folks—they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America.” …<<<

I think she was the one who coined the word deplorable. For quite a few of them I think they were upset because it spoke a little too close to the truth.


Audioholic Spartan
Proudly deplorable--

MAGA: That's not what it really means.

Me: proudly deplorable. :)


Audioholic Spartan
I liked the observation a long time ago about Trump being the most transparent president. So when he said he wasn't taking his salary of $400k I knew it was to cover for his grifting LOL. Or when he criticized Obama's golfing, Trump was on pace to double that with his visits to his golf resorts. I've never understood his I guess resentment for not being held up to Obama. Like why do you care? It's so petty.


Audioholic Spartan
Flush me down the toilet bowl called life. I'm not going to link it since its a soundbite, but there's videos of Don Jr complaining about how he use to be invited on as a guest on Fox 2, 3, 4 etc times a week. There's also Boebert saying, "Don't call me MAGA. Call me Ultra MAGA!" Oh boy. Has Trump dropped over yet?:rolleyes:;)


Audioholic Spartan


Audioholic Spartan
Hahaha.... You're still the frontrunner, but would you close your flap please. I imagine is the message from the voters.:D

At his Hialeah rally, Trump made passing reference to the debate across town, saying no one was watching it.

Later, he compared his rally to the debate: “I’m standing in front of tens of thousands of people right now and it’s on television. That’s a lot harder to do than a debate.”

The stadium where he was speaking has a capacity of 5,200 people and was not full Wednesday


Audioholic Spartan
Hahaha.... You're still the frontrunner, but would you close your flap please. I imagine is the message from the voters.:D

At his Hialeah rally, Trump made passing reference to the debate across town, saying no one was watching it.

Later, he compared his rally to the debate: “I’m standing in front of tens of thousands of people right now and it’s on television. That’s a lot harder to do than a debate.”

The stadium where he was speaking has a capacity of 5,200 people and was not full Wednesday
Yet his dumb ass followers will continue to buy into his BS.

As for not watching the debate, I didn't, much preferred adult beverages and 'buck-a-shuck' nite at one of our local taverns ! :p


Audioholic Spartan
had a good laugh this morning when Trump proclaimed that nobody was tuned into the debate but rather 'his tens of thousands' of supporters gathered at his rally in Fl. Funny thing is the sports complex he was in hold less than 5k and wasn't even full. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I have no life.
had a good laugh this morning when Trump proclaimed that nobody was tuned into the debate but rather 'his tens of thousands' of supporters gathered at his rally in Fl. Funny thing is the sports complex he was in hold less than 5k and wasn't even full. :rolleyes:
Alt math. :D


Audioholic Spartan
That's the LOL about the primary. The more indictments Trump has, the larger his lead grows.


Audioholic Ninja
had a good laugh this morning when Trump proclaimed that nobody was tuned into the debate but rather 'his tens of thousands' of supporters gathered at his rally in Fl. Funny thing is the sports complex he was in hold less than 5k and wasn't even full. :rolleyes:
The man is past delusional. " Thursday debate per the "Hill", it totaled 7.5 million viewers across linear television, digital and streaming combined. And the complex Rump was in, like ya noted, held less than 5k and I wonder how many of those 5k were paid to be there.


Audioholic Samurai
Trump's efforts to avoid the plain truth that his endorsement of Cameron was completely ineffective in the general election are actually somewhat amusing.

>>>In a social media post two days before the election, [Trump] boasted that Republican candidate and one-time rising GOP star Daniel Cameron had made a “huge surge” after his endorsement, adding that voters had realized Cameron is “not really ‘a [Mitch] McConnell guy.’”

“You will bring [Kentucky] to new levels of success, and I will help you!” Trump wrote. He followed it up with numerous posts in support of Cameron leading up to Election Day. . . .

But when Cameron lost handily to incumbent Democrat Andy Beshear, a remarkable result in a deeply red state, Trump suddenly changed his tune, claiming he had warned all along that Cameron wouldn’t be able to “alleviate the stench of Mitch McConnell.”<<<


This is another example of the clear pattern that has emerged. A Trump endorsement seals a win in Republican primary, but it doesn't mean jack in a general election. Trump has been handing Democrats huge political gifts by endorsing MAGA losers in the primaries.

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