No, the income limit for SS contributions is $160,200- anyone who makes more pays up to that point, matched by their employer. There's no income limit on Medicare- every one pays for that on all earnings. $200K, $300K, twenty million or more- no difference WRT SS paid in but they really help Medicare a lot.
They set a limit on benefit size though, which is good for the program and lower income people because someone making $200K or more probably doesn't need SS after retirement as their main fund source but really, it was sold as 'for everyone", right? When SS became real, the Depression was in full swing and people were suffering from the effects of the stock market crash that was caused by people who should have known better than to make it a possibility.
Congress has said that SS won't be able to meet its full obligation by 2035- the way they throw money around the World, why do they need to make those threats and cause so much stress for people who need it?