
Audioholic Spartan
SS- really the best way to determine the commitment to cuts is to look at govt pensions and SS from the conservative politicians in particular. Boy I bet that might produce some interesting responses. Or the general conservative population hehehe.


Audioholic Spartan
Dream scenario...

Well I have the information right here. You voted for and were one of the biggest proponents of cutting back on SS and govt pensions. What better way to start than with you.

MTG: @#$%&?!!!

Security, restrain this woman! :D


Audioholic Spartan
Hahaha.... I'll give up my SS if I get to play The Zapper, especially on politician benefits. Deal?:)


Audioholic Spartan
....and that's why I propose new legislation as a party of the people to take the same cuts as the people to help get our country out of trillions of dollars in debt and restore American greatness.

My supporters.... :)


Audioholic Spartan
Remember the headline "Congress member doesn't think they make enough." Their salary is like 150-200K LOL.:D


Audioholic Spartan
Congressional Cuts Notes-

Jeez, people sure are sensitive about their entitlements being cut! Someone somehow snuck a gun into the chambers and threatened to kill me saying, "I'm gonna get you, bastard!" Thankfully people around them grabbed the weapon and restrained them. As they were being escorted away in handcuffs I waved 'sayonara' hahaha. The Republican reported in the news wanting to start fights is a black belt. I said to him 'kung pow' and gave him the finger. I warned him that if he comes at me his congressional career will be over. Boebert was there, and I ended it with, 'B-tch, you ain't gonna be around long enough to worry about a pension.' Even some Republicans had to keep themselves from laughing. Jim Jordan was there too. I stared at him for a couple of minutes with my threatening eyes. Never did hear from him after that. Also Mike "Holy Koolaid" Johnson. I reminded him that if he tries to use his speakership against me the fires from Zeus' bolt will come thundering down upon him. It was a threat, but a funny one. The best was my face-to-face with MTG. I was a bit worried about her boxing experience, so I went all WWE on her. I suggested we do a cage fight, and I would throw her face first into the cages over and over and over. I bet a lot of people would pay to see that.

All in all a good day. Having all this power is awesome!:p


Seriously, I have no life.
SS- really the best way to determine the commitment to cuts is to look at govt pensions and SS from the conservative politicians in particular. Boy I bet that might produce some interesting responses. Or the general conservative population hehehe.
SS should have received contributions from higher income earners all along. It's not like they're losing a huge amount and if the limits had been higher, the % paid could have been less. With so many making more than $300K, raising the limit to $200K would make a huge difference.

Government benefits have always been better than what the private sector receives.


Audioholic Spartan
SS should have received contributions from higher income earners all along. It's not like they're losing a huge amount and if the limits had been higher, the % paid could have been less. With so many making more than $300K, raising the limit to $200K would make a huge difference.

Government benefits have always been better than what the private sector receives.
Guess I don't understand. $200k or less you get to dip into SS? Where do $300k or more stand on SS?


Audioholic Spartan
I still don't really understand the meaning. My interpretation was your leaving the common path out. Been watching "iceberg explained" docus on 9-11 and Columbine. The 9-11 goes into many conspiracies and may not work for some, but I find it interesting because it went in that direction and was a ripple I'd never even known about. Columbine is exceptional IMO because of the small details it went through. Hopefully there's one on January 6th.

Hemingway's biographer Carlos Baker believed that as a writer of short stories Hemingway learned "how to get the most from the least, how to prune language and avoid waste motion, how to multiply intensities, and how to tell nothing but the truth in a way that allowed for telling more than the truth."[6] Baker also notes that the writing style of the "iceberg theory" suggests that a story's narrative and nuanced complexities, complete with symbolism, operate under the surface of the story itself.[6]

For example, Hemingway believed a writer could describe an action, such as Nick Adams fishing in "Big Two-Hearted River," while conveying a different message about the action itself—Nick Adams concentrating on fishing to the extent that he does not have to think about the unpleasantness of his war experience.[7] In his essay "The Art of the Short Story", Hemingway is clear about his method: "A few things I have found to be true. If you leave out important things or events that you know about, the story is strengthened. If you leave or skip something because you do not know it, the story will be worthless. The test of any story is how very good the stuff that you, not your editors, omit."[8] A writer explained how it brings a story gravitas:

Hemingway said that only the tip of the iceberg showed in fiction—your reader will see only what is above the water—but the knowledge that you have about your character that never makes it into the story acts as the bulk of the iceberg. And that is what gives your story weight and gravitas.
— Jenna Blum in The Author at Work, 2013


Seriously, I have no life.
Guess I don't understand. $200k or less you get to dip into SS? Where do $300k or more stand on SS?
No, the income limit for SS contributions is $160,200- anyone who makes more pays up to that point, matched by their employer. There's no income limit on Medicare- every one pays for that on all earnings. $200K, $300K, twenty million or more- no difference WRT SS paid in but they really help Medicare a lot.


They set a limit on benefit size though, which is good for the program and lower income people because someone making $200K or more probably doesn't need SS after retirement as their main fund source but really, it was sold as 'for everyone", right? When SS became real, the Depression was in full swing and people were suffering from the effects of the stock market crash that was caused by people who should have known better than to make it a possibility.

Congress has said that SS won't be able to meet its full obligation by 2035- the way they throw money around the World, why do they need to make those threats and cause so much stress for people who need it?


Seriously, I have no life.
No, the income limit for SS contributions is $160,200- anyone who makes more pays up to that point, matched by their employer. There's no income limit on Medicare- every one pays for that on all earnings. $200K, $300K, twenty million or more- no difference WRT SS paid in but they really help Medicare a lot.


They set a limit on benefit size though, which is good for the program and lower income people because someone making $200K or more probably doesn't need SS after retirement as their main fund source but really, it was sold as 'for everyone", right? When SS became real, the Depression was in full swing and people were suffering from the effects of the stock market crash that was caused by people who should have known better than to make it a possibility.

Congress has said that SS won't be able to meet its full obligation by 2035- the way they throw money around the World, why do they need to make those threats and cause so much stress for people who need it?
Congress needs to keep increasing the cutoff to higher income earners. Nothing to do with money spread around the world. Two different pockets, no?


Audioholic Spartan
I'm officially here today to give my endorsement for president to Donald J. Trump.
-- Greg Abbott

Yuck. :p


Seriously, I have no life.
Congress needs to keep increasing the cutoff to higher income earners. Nothing to do with money spread around the world. Two different pockets, no?
I agree that the cut off needs to be raised and it hasn't increased very much but it's one pocket- the US Federal Government. Different accounts, if you like, but if they want to spend hundreds of billions or trillions, they need to take care of Veterans and other people who really need it. How many lost everything in the '08 collapse, brought on by Fannie May & Freddie Mac? That should never have happened.


Seriously, I have no life.
Not only are Americans more obese so are our trees !

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile...greedy bastiges!

Trees do whatever they can and if t hat means they'll gobble up as much CO2 as is available, so be it. Also, if it means that the level of CO2 in the atmosphere will drop enough, maybe we can have wood that's similar to 'old growth lumber', which would seem to have grown slower because of the lower levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. The fact that the world has billions more people means this is unlikely.

But hey, any excuse to yell at the US about pollution when China, Russia and India don't do their share about it, right?


Audioholic Spartan
Hahaha sorry started laughing walking through the apartment I work at. Ma is yelling "Hey! Hey!" to her kid while making a banging sound. Glad I never had kids. :D


Audioholic Spartan
Watching car crashes again except these are terrible. One car goes literally flying into a residential. Like flying and clips one house and collides fully into another. Had to been going 100. Some will crash and add insult go toppling over a bridge down below like out of a movie. Some pedestrian crosswalks (yes that bad) have absolutely zero business being there given that street has speed written all over it. Another intersection instead of being the typical "t" I'm accustomed to well add an extra lane to add to the confusion. Has disaster written all over it. Unreal.


Audioholic Spartan
Pedestrian walks with two car lanes going in each direction is a doosie also. Croch rockets either trying to pass or going so fast they ram into a car and go flying. Cars trying to pass in the oncoming lane with low visibility. Cars cruising around the bend and either end up in the oncoming or go through the guard rail. Crazy stuff.

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