Non-Partisan discussion... when are you too old to be in office?



Audioholic Warlord
It's annoying that politicians of all stripes consistently obfuscate and downplay their health issues.
Diane Feinstein was only human. I think she may have known she was circling the drain and wanted to die as a senator. Let her rest in peace.

On the other hand, I really do mind when politicians of all stripes obfuscate and downplay who their financial backers are and how much money they've pocketed. Let them rest in pee.


Audioholic Samurai
actually, it's clear as day ! When in doubt of an explanation, simply, 'follow-the-money' ! One needs to look no further than the pride of 'New Joisey' , Senator Menendez ! ;)
In some cases money is undoubtedly a factor. Feinstein's net worth was reportedly $50 million.

>>>In 2023, Dianne Feinstein’s net worth stood at a staggering $50 million.<<<

I doubt that she stayed in office to save for retirement.


Diane Feinstein was only human. I think she may have known she was circling the drain and wanted to die as a senator. Let her rest in peace.

On the other hand, I really do mind when politicians of all stripes obfuscate and downplay who their financial backers are and how much money they've pocketed. Let them rest in pee.
Doesn't matter if it's Feinstein or McConnel. When it's time to hang up the spurs it's time to hang up the spurs.

I've zero effs to give. You are here to do the bidding of your constituency and country at large. This is all about ego AFAIK.

It's why I won't be voting for Biden. He's of very much diminished mental capacity and I can't support him. It's a mess.


Audioholic Spartan
Doesn't matter if it's Feinstein or McConnel. When it's time to hang up the spurs it's time to hang up the spurs.

I've zero effs to give. You are here to do the bidding of your constituency and country at large. This is all about ego AFAIK.

It's why I won't be voting for Biden. He's of very much diminished mental capacity and I can't support him. It's a mess.
I continue to be perplexed about claims of Biden’s diminished mental capacity (to age, I assume) considering what he has accomplished as president.

The debt ceiling was extended to after the next election and the House Republicans are now shown to not honor a deal they made a few months ago. Just to remind you of the current Republican clown show(s).
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I continue to be perplexed about claims of Biden’s diminished mental capacity (to age, I assume) considering what he has accomplished as president.

The debt ceiling was extended to after the next election and the House Republicans are now shown to not honor a deal they made a few months ago. Just to remind you of the current Republican clown show(s).
Well, that's an interesting take, I'll give you that. I don't have that 'creative' of an imagination I guess.

The clown car is chock full of the red and the blue.

And this is from 2021


Audioholic Spartan
Well, that's an interesting take, I'll give you that. I don't have that 'creative' of an imagination I guess.

The clown car is chock full of the red and the blue.

And this is from 2021
From your posts and threads it’s clear that you're very set and inflexible in your “thinking”, and quite resistant to facts contrary to your beliefs. As well as belligerent on occasion.

Premature aging?


From your posts and threads it’s clear that you're very set and inflexible in your “thinking”, and quite resistant to facts contrary to your beliefs. As well as belligerent on occasion.

Premature aging?
No. I moved house and went from 2.85% to 6.75%. Just one example. Let me know if that isn't a 'right fact'.

I think I narrowly missed paying for everyone else's University education and I don't even have one of those.


Audioholic Spartan
No. I moved house and went from 2.85% to 6.75%. Just one example. Let me know if that isn't a 'right fact'.

I think I narrowly missed paying for everyone else's University education and I don't even have one of those.
Great for you! But perhaps you’re replying to the wrong post?


Great for you! But perhaps you’re replying to the wrong post?
No, you thought, with your usually misplaced smarmy 'intellect', your perception of my 'resistance to facts'.

I countered with another number that went way up, unrelated to age, that is factual.

Do you understand the difference between perception and facts? I think you do personally but you like putting people on.


Audioholic Spartan
I continue to be perplexed about claims of Biden’s diminished mental capacity (to age, I assume) considering what he has accomplished as president..
His accomplishments, let's see........he's done in three years what it took Trump to do in four, 7 plus trillion dollars in additional debt.


Audioholic Samurai
Diane Feinstein was only human. I think she may have known she was circling the drain and wanted to die as a senator. Let her rest in peace.

On the other hand, I really do mind when politicians of all stripes obfuscate and downplay who their financial backers are and how much money they've pocketed. Let them rest in pee.
Personally, it made me sad when I saw Feinstein's condition after she returned to the senate. As a human, I had empathy for her.

Having said that, as far as I know, everyone in office is human (with the possible exception of Trump, who I suspect may a shape-shifting space lizard). If a person's subjective desire to stay in office until they die is okay with the rest of us, then there's really no such thing as being too old to be in office, and discussion of the topic appears to be moot.


Audioholic Samurai
Lest anyone think I haven't done my homework with regards to Trump's space lizard-like qualities, I present the following indisputable evidence:


Okay, I'll concede he may be a space slug.


Personally, it made me sad when I saw Feinstein's condition after she returned to the senate. As a human, I had empathy for her.

Having said that, as far as I know, everyone in office is human (with the possible exception of Trump, who I suspect may a shape-shifting space lizard). If a person's subjective desire to stay in office until they die is okay with the rest of us, then there's really no such thing as being too old to be in office, and discussion of the topic appears to be moot.
I think you should then seek care from a surgeon that desires to practice no matter their faculties.

No, I don't want policy made by people that don't have the capabilities to do the work.

Why is this an empathy play?


Audioholic Samurai
I think you should then seek care from a surgeon that desires to practice no matter their faculties.

No, I don't want policy made by people that don't have the capabilities to do the work.

Why is this an empathy play?
"I think you should then seek care from a surgeon that desires to practice no matter their faculties."

I have no idea why you are thinking that, but you are free to do so.

"No, I don't want policy made by people that don't have the capabilities to do the work."

I don't disagree.

"Why is this an empathy play?"

It is possible to have empathy for someone who is suffering and disagree with choices that person has made.


Audioholic Warlord
Why is this an empathy play?
Because Diane Feinstein just died after a long and honorable career. She was respected by others in the senate and trusted to keep her word. I could say much worse about certain younger and much less honorable senators & congressmen who remain alive.

This may not be a RIP thread, but Feinstein deserves considerable respect for her ground breaking 30-year career in the Senate. In RIP threads about someone who recently died – whom I do not respect – I simply avoid comment.

I guess I'm really steamed about people dumping on politicians because they're old. I'd rather dump on them because of their politics. I could name a few, but I won't now.


Audioholic Jedi
She wasn't my particular favorite as a resident of SF during her mayoral stint, but found in general a good person to represent the area not only at that time but in positions held since. Better than any magashits I can think of.


Because Diane Feinstein just died after a long and honorable career. She was respected by others in the senate and trusted to keep her word. I could say much worse about certain younger and much less honorable senators & congressmen who remain alive.

This may not be a RIP thread, but Feinstein deserves considerable respect for her ground breaking 30-year career in the Senate. In RIP threads about someone who recently died – whom I do not respect – I simply avoid comment.

I guess I'm really steamed about people dumping on politicians because they're old. I'd rather dump on them because of their politics. I could name a few, but I won't now.
I do believe she deserves respect. Same as Ginsberg or anyone else with a distinguished career serving their fellow citizen. But to allow people of diminished mental capacities to make policy. Cmon.... Really?

No one is dumping on them because they are old. Bernie Sanders is still 100% there mentally. You don't see me complaining about him now do you?


Audioholic Warlord
I do believe she deserves respect. Same as Ginsberg or anyone else with a distinguished career serving their fellow citizen. But to allow people of diminished mental capacities to make policy. Cmon.... Really?

No one is dumping on them because they are old. Bernie Sanders is still 100% there mentally. You don't see me complaining about him now do you?
I can't agree. How would we distinguish between diminished & non-diminished mental capacities? I haven't seen any practical ideas on that.

Making policy has never required a license or certification, like we see for physicians. If senators and congressmen required that, there would be many dozens of empty seats on Capitol Hill. One can argue that anyone who actually desires political office should be prevented from running for office. But that wouldn't meet the practicality requirement.


Making policy has never required a license or certification, like we see for physicians. If senators and congressmen required that, there would be many dozens of empty seats on Capitol Hill. One can argue that anyone who actually desires political office should be prevented from running for office. But that wouldn't meet the practicality requirement.
We aren't talking your boiler plate stupid. Lord knows there's enough of that going around. But there are medical rubrics for diminished mental capacities and courts all over our nation use rubrics like this for evaluating whether people are mentally competent to stand trial.

As an example: Alex Jones is about the most stupid, ignorant, mfer out, but he's not of diminished mental capacity. You are conflating two very different realities.

I get it you are ok with policy makers that have minds that biologically don't function to a reasonable capacity. Frankly your stance scares the poop out of me.

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