
Full Audioholic
I didn't think it was possible to dislike someone more than the personality that is Trump, but damn I hate crooked Biden/Harris even more. One thing you get an eye for when you deal with people enough and that is liars and cheats. Of course there is no mystery concealing Biden's dishonesty, since he has been caught just openly and outright, bald-faced lying. A real get-over guy. People that have carried on in such a way as an adult, no less, typically never become honest.

To be honest, I think the progressives could use another 4 years of Trump, since they are also at the root of the problem that even allows such a character to be an option, and with their incessant derangement of such.

I really have no use for neocons or neolibs. Trump's disruption of the status quo was worth it's weight in gold to what it has revealed to that end. To outwardly root for either party is opening one's self up for a stain on one's character. In my work, and even with my personal relationships, I simply can't be/won't be caught siding with dishonest people.

The whole shebang needs a major reset.
Trump was not my first choice in the beginning. I liked Cruz. During the debates Trump was fearless and attacked each and every one of his opponents. Yeah he turned it into a circus, but after watchnng Bush put us in two wars and Obama turning this country upside down with is socialists radical beleifs. Trump was the one to disrupt the status quo of elitists. Which is exactly what he did. He's a narcassist and talks like a sausage but he was a damn good president. Kept us out war, lowered my taxes, and for four years I never had so much expendable income. Life was good. All the while he was constantly attacked on fabricated lies. If he don't get the nomineee then it better be Vivek. If we get another lib, I fear this country will never recover to the glory days.


Audioholic Spartan
I didn't think it was possible to dislike someone more than the personality that is Trump, but damn I hate crooked Biden/Harris even more. One thing you get an eye for when you deal with people enough and that is liars and cheats. Of course there is no mystery concealing Biden's dishonesty, since he has been caught just openly and outright, bald-faced lying. A real get-over guy. People that have carried on in such a way as an adult, no less, typically never become honest.

To be honest, I think the progressives could use another 4 years of Trump, since they are also at the root of the problem that even allows such a character to be an option, and with their incessant derangement of such.

I really have no use for neocons or neolibs. Trump's disruption of the status quo was worth it's weight in gold to what it has revealed to that end. To outwardly root for either party is opening one's self up for a stain on one's character. In my work, and even with my personal relationships, I simply can't be/won't be caught siding with dishonest people.

The whole shebang needs a major reset.
I don't think anyone deserves more Trump. I'm also not convinced of the derangement given Trump's outstanding behavior and character. Interesting too how you say the existence of Trump is the Dems' problem alone and not also Republicans? Like hey Trump be an asshole. Ah it's the dens fault.


Full Audioholic
I don't think anyone deserves more Trump. I'm also not convinced of the derangement given Trump's outstanding behavior and character. Interesting too how you say the existence of Trump is the Dems' problem alone and not also Republicans? Like hey Trump be an asshole. Ah it's the dens fault.
I know thats not directed at me. but ALL governent is corrupt. BOTH sides. There are a few good ones. But in all reality, if your not corrupted your not in office. Donors place these people in their positions.


Audioholic Spartan
Trump was not my first choice in the beginning. I liked Cruz. During the debates Trump was fearless and attacked each and every one of his opponents. Yeah he turned it into a circus, but after watchnng Bush put us in two wars and Obama turning this country upside down with is socialists radical beleifs. Trump was the one to disrupt the status quo of elitists. Which is exactly what he did. He's a narcassist and talks like a sausage but he was a damn good president. Kept us out war, lowered my taxes, and for four years I never had so much expendable income. Life was good. All the while he was constantly attacked on fabricated lies. If he don't get the nomineee then it better be Vivek. If we get another lib, I fear this country will never recover to the glory days.
Fabricated lies sounds much better than avoiding law and doing whatever is necessary to get him back in office. That's what it amounts to. In a way you're right: if Joe can avoid charges, Trump should be able to avoid charges too. Though I am getting myself in trouble with the law LOL.


Full Audioholic
Not a Biden fan particularly, but drumph makes him look quite good.
can u give me an example? I get the trump deraingment. However policy wise I'd like to hear what some of you are sayin. What I see is total destruction. of our way of life


Audioholic Jedi
can u give me an example? I get the trump deraingment. However policy wise I'd like to hear what some of you are sayin. What I see is total destruction. of our way of life
Of drumphy's creepiness? Few men get that creepy....you might. What kind of policy were drumphy's....he's basically a buffoon, can barely operate a business.

This is going way off track from the indictment discussion...pure discussion of the orange turd better here https://forums.audioholics.com/forums/threads/on-trump.124983/page-22#post-1611996


Full Audioholic
Of drumphy's creepiness? Few men get that creepy....you might. What kind of policy were drumphy's....he's basically a buffoon, can barely operate a business.

This is going way off track from the indictment discussion...pure discussion of the orange turd better here https://forums.audioholics.com/forums/threads/on-trump.124983/page-22#post-1611996
That's easy. Maybe take a few mins and read it.



Full Audioholic
Of drumphy's creepiness? Few men get that creepy....you might. What kind of policy were drumphy's....he's basically a buffoon, can barely operate a business.

This is going way off track from the indictment discussion...pure discussion of the orange turd better here https://forums.audioholics.com/forums/threads/on-trump.124983/page-22#post-1611996
And on a personal level:
I took a two week vacation fishing with some friends in Canada, first vacation is 15 years
I bought a house
I bought a new car
i bought a lg65c8
That moved to the bedroom a couple years later and I bought a Sony 77A80J
I bought a home theatre that you actually helped me with at the time
I bought a 2 channel Anthem str prew/pro and a pair of Revel salon 2's
Life was good. I never in my life had so much disposable income

Today...not so much


Full Audioholic
Like I said...take it to the other thread. That list has a lot of bullshit in it, tho....but look at the source....
I tried talkin about the indictments but not one of you will commit and say Trump will be convicted of a crime. Which actually gives me hope. Your all just filled with hate or the shot infected you with trump diraingement syndrom. Both are not good. Biden said he was gonna be the second coming and unite us and we are more divided than we were 7 years ago. Brothers and sisters, moms and dads, cousins, freinds, neighbors....all fighting with each other. It's fucking horrible. Not suppose to be like this.


Audioholic Spartan
Why exactly would you double down on creepy quid pro quo dementia joe?
Why would you double down on trump? Seems you pick a different Republican.
can u give me an example? I get the trump deraingment. However policy wise I'd like to hear what some of you are sayin. What I see is total destruction. of our way of life
Trump derangement is a fallacy given his consistent hate speak.


Audioholic Spartan
I tried talkin about the indictments but not one of you will commit and say Trump will be convicted of a crime. Which actually gives me hope. Your all just filled with hate or the shot infected you with trump diraingement syndrom. Both are not good. Biden said he was gonna be the second coming and unite us and we are more divided than we were 7 years ago. Brothers and sisters, moms and dads, cousins, freinds, neighbors....all fighting with each other. It's fucking horrible. Not suppose to be like this.
It's up to the prosecution to convince the jury beyond a reasonable doubt to convict, but you might be unfamiliar with that.


Full Audioholic
Why would you double down on trump? Seems you pick a different Republican.

Trump derangement is a fallacy given his consistent hate speak.
Well I posted Trumps accomplishments, and I posted my personal accomplishments I experinced during his 4 year term. Would you like me to post it again?


Full Audioholic
It's up to the prosecution to convince the jury beyond a reasonable doubt to convict, but you might be unfamiliar with that.
That's not a response to my specific question. You libs are convinced he's a criminal. So reading the 91 indictments surly there is a freebie in there where there is 100% proof the crime was committed. Which one, which one is the sure thing. There are 91....


Audioholic Spartan
Why would you double down on trump? Seems you pick a different Republican.

Trump derangement is a fallacy given his consistent hate speak.
If you applied derangement to say Marco Rubio than that makes sense. He isn't spewing hate all the time. Trying to apply derangement with Trump in mind doesn't work.
Well I posted Trumps accomplishments, and I posted my personal accomplishments I experinced during his 4 year term. Would you like me to post it again?
That's nice, but asking why we don't opt-in is pretty obvious.

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