Robb elementary shooting in TX



Seriously, I have no life.
And this city has some of hte hardest gun laws in the country, but evil doesn't care about laws.
But, it is not an isolated state. Open borders and no border guards. ;) :D


Audioholic Spartan
When you can drive 10 miles into another State (Indiana) which has no restrictions on firearms, Chicago's gun laws are irrelevant.
BS, Chgo and their miserable administration (like Philly) are incapable of doing their job !


Seriously, I have no life.
Yes indeed. And guns should be the easiest to manage but, you know, mucho dinero $$$$$$ is at stake along with those original intent jurists who are still back in the days of muskets.
Come to think of it, they should mandate muskets for all, nothing more. That is what was the original intent. They certainly didn't mean period cannons in each home.
I have read that the intent was to allow people to arm themselves with the same weapons used by the military (other than cannon) but that needed to be nipped in the bud when the military started using more potent portable weapons.

I'm sure the Founding Fathers thought about "What's next?" WRT weaponry, but they would never have imagined what has come after the Revolution. Even as primitive as warfare was at the time, the wholesale killing in battle would have disgusted them. OTOH, Geo Washington wanted the Indians annihilated after they switched sides during the French/Indian War.


Seriously, I have no life.
Such a safe city, NOT !
Every time I have a chance to go to Chicago, I pass it up. I would rather drive through the middle of the state than slog through that craphole.


Seriously, I have no life.
But, it is not an isolated state. Open borders and no border guards. ;) :D
But someone can't just waltz into a WI, IN, MN or IA gun store (or into any other non-resident state) and walk out with a gun unless it's a private sale and if they're a felon, they immediately added a lot of time to any sentence involving guns- dealers can only sell to people from other states after a waiting period and with an FFL.


Senior Audioholic
BS, Chgo and their miserable administration (like Philly) are incapable of doing their job !
Well then, why not lend your expertise to the Chicago administration and let them know how to prevent guns from being purchased in Indiana and being brought to Chicago.


Audioholic Spartan
same with this dung hole.......

I think the latest update is either 14 or 15 :mad:
Philadelphia, a city of about 1.6 million, has 200 homicides before the start of the summer? Sweden had 124 homicides for the year 2020, and has a population of 10.35 million.


Audioholic Jedi
Guns have become a leading cause of death for children here in the US....I can't think of a sadder statistic.
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Seriously, I have no life.
But someone can't just waltz into a WI, IN, MN or IA gun store (or into any other non-resident state) and walk out with a gun unless it's a private sale and if they're a felon, they immediately added a lot of time to any sentence involving guns- dealers can only sell to people from other states after a waiting period and with an FFL.
Well, the guns came from somewhere unless they are all ghost weapons assembled at home.

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