I keep tinkering with the layout of the room and have mostly settled on this revised version. I've made considerable changes from the original plan. First, I cut way back on the acoustic treatments, added lots of record covers in frames. Most of which I've held on to from my days working in the record industry. I just never wanted to throw them away and realised I had a gold mine of album flats sitting in a box I could use to make this room pop.
On the front wall I'll have a wall mounted 43" TV. It's left over from the spare room and will be used primarily as the interface of the music player.
I now have the
console that will hold the equipment and records as shown in the cad drawing. I also have the
Cocktail Audio X45 music player and DAC as shown in the pic. The unboxing video for that is linked below. The Fluance RT85 turntable is on order and arriving in a couple days with another unboxing video of that to follow. The BMR Tower speakers are still in limbo, I assume I'll have them in a months time but we will see.
I'm having a rough time with the symmetry of the room since there are double doors on one side. The two 24"x48" acoustic panels on the front wall will be Roxul Rockboard 60 Mineral Wool. I bought a 4 pack from ATS Acoustics. There will be two more of these panels to the immediate left and right sides of the room for speaker reflections. There are two more acoustic panels that will have 2" acoustic foam in them just to cut back on any slap echo that may occur.
I'm considering adding spots on the walls of
2" studio acoustic foam for more sound control and for the music room/recording studio vibe.
On the back wall I have not found a solution for seating yet. The wife is coming to her senses that we will need something comfortable as opposed to the ridiculous pull out sofa bed she demanded to have in there. The more I bombard her with visuals and space limitations of the room, she decides on her own that a piece of furniture like that has no place here. I'll get some
heavy light blocking curtains and drape a
sun moon tapestry over them, I already ordered it.
I have no end tables yet nor have I decided on subs. I really need to spend time with the towers first.
Up above near the ceiling will be black moulding and above that I'll install
RGB LED strips.
On the floor we have a nice
area rug ready to go.
In all the corners I'll have
8" bass traps from floor to ceiling. In one corner, I'll use the bass traps to disguise the wires getting the RGB LED's up to the moulding.
So far I'm pleased with the design. Below are the rough drawings I threw together.
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