I can't help but jump with joy a little, here, as Amir has put up some tests of an Audioquest Power Cord and a PS Audio PowerPlant P12.
The results are...
This is a review and detailed measurements of the AudioQuest NRG-X3 AC power cord. I purchased it a couple of years ago for testing and costs US $99.95. The cord is 16 gauge and is more flexible than my thicker freebie AC power cords. The mating ends connect perhaps a bit more solidly than my...
This is a review and detailed measurements of the PS Audio PowerPlant 12 (P12) AC regenerator. It is on kind loan from a member and costs US $5,499. PS Audio nails the industrial design of the unit. I really like the casework as well as the look of the various graphical meters as you see above...
Let's not forget
@gene's testing of the AQ battery pack cable, either.
I wonder what's next on the chopping block of audioPhoolery?