I'm underwhelmed. There goes Amir again, using over-kill methods just to demonstrate the obvious.
Do we really need to see to 227 responses over 12 pages from ASR forum members of a review of $99 AC power cords? That other review had 535 responses over 27 pages for a review of a $5500 Power Plant AC regenerator. (WTF is a Power Plant AC regenerator?) I thought the ASR forum's claim to fame is all those industry professionals who contribute. They seem to have a lot of time on their hands. I'm not an industry pro, and I certainly don't have the time to wade through all that. And I'm retired.
What's next? Showing that speaker cables transmit the same signal no matter if they're made with pure copper, copper clad aluminum, or silver? How much do floor elevators for speaker cables matter? Or what effect over speaker level signals do synthetic fiber carpets have vs. natural fiber carpets?