Joking aside, I wouldn't have known.. That's because if you were Placebo/expectation prone like most people do, then you would likely have heard a difference unless if you didn't know which one was playing. That's the whole deal about sighted vs controlled DBT. You must know that by now after hanging around here for so long.
And seriously, if if you said you were even considering buying the S1100, I would have said something else.
Sorry, wrong again! I knew you are very happy because you bought it used, for a good price. If you were to pay full price for a new one I would then feel a little sorry for you though, because you could have save money and get more value with the R-N803 or even the A-S701, but then again its you money and your happiness.
Sure, but remember I qualified what I said, that it was sort of derived from AVRs, it shared the same volume control IC with their cheap AVR cousins. That is not a good volume IC either, not even as good as D+M AVR's. I should have been clear that I do respect it's very nice power amp section.
But if you actually looked at the those graphs, and google for the source review/measurements, you would have gotten the hint, that the A-S1100 did not do any better than the A-S801 on the bench. Despite what people say about don't look at the measurements, trust your ears...the fact is, specs and measurements are much more reliable than people's ears/brains, unless we all had the same ears/brains, but we sadly, or fortunately, we don't.
Good for you.
Yep, that's one reason I would never tell anyone they won't hear a difference between two such amps, Placebo and expectation bias effects are real to those who are subjected to such, that's why controlled tests are needed to validate those subjective reviews. As you know, in the recent C-19 vaccine tests, some of those who received the Placebo dose actually developed similar symptoms of the side effects reported by those who received the vaccine.
Yes you can, when you are ready, keep in mind I have one that had been used for only a few weeks and will likely let go for $100 or less.