Yamaha AVENTAGE 2021 AV Receivers Bulk Up on Power and 8K Features



Senior Audioholic
Sound quality with Room EQ or DSP, or sound quality without using any EQ or DSP?
I always used direct mode or stereo on my Denon. Not using DSP effects. But long story short : I bought the Denon AVC A1D in year 2000 planning to build a full 5.1 setup and I never got the time and money to go further with this project. So I have no experience with Atmos setups, room correction and DSP things. As written close to my Avatar : I am a noob :)


Audioholic Jedi
I always used direct mode or stereo on my Denon. Not using DSP effects. But long story short : I bought the Denon AVC A1D in year 2000 planning to build a full 5.1 setup and I never got the time and money to go further with this project. So I have no experience with Atmos setups, room correction and DSP things. As written close to my Avatar : I am a noob :)
If you believe in double-blind studies and the writings of The Audio Critic, when in Direct or Stereo mode (no EQ or DSP), these electronics will sound extremely similar even with all the differences in measurements such as THD+N, SINAD, etc., which are inaudible and purely academic. But natural human bias will lead us to believe a lot of things, like warmer or forward or clinical or neutral sounds.

But when we use DSP or EQ, then the sound absolutely changes.


Senior Audioholic
Thank you for taking time to teaching. So basically I should have a good experience when playing stereo but differences between Yamaha and Marantz/Denon and other brands will be more obvious when the DSP are managing room correction in surround modes ?


Audioholic Jedi
Thank you for taking time to teaching. So basically I should have a good experience when playing stereo but differences between Yamaha and Marantz/Denon and other brands will be more obvious when the DSP are managing room correction in surround modes ?
The difference will be heard when you use EQ (like the auto EQ such as YPAO, Audyssey, Anthem ARC, Dirac, Trinnov, etc. or Manual Parametric EQ) or DSP (Hall, Stadium, Dolby Surround Upmixer, DTS Surround Upmixer, etc.).


What dsp do people use on a Yamaha when you have a 7.2.4 system but the blu ray is only 5.1 dts? I think Gene said surround decode. I haven't been able to play around with it since my old receiver Yamaha 2040 is at my in laws place but only 5.1 set up. My new house has a 7.2.4 setup, just waiting for the new receiver to power my bad boys ☺


Audioholic Ninja
What dsp do people use on a Yamaha when you have a 7.2.4 system but the blu ray is only 5.1 dts? I think Gene said surround decode. I haven't been able to play around with it since my old receiver Yamaha 2040 is at my in laws place but only 5.1 set up. My new house has a 7.2.4 setup, just waiting for the new receiver to power my bad boys ☺
Right the surround decode button on the remote will let you choose Dolby Surround Upmixer or DTS Neural X Upmixer.


Audioholic Jedi
What dsp do people use on a Yamaha when you have a 7.2.4 system but the blu ray is only 5.1 dts? I think Gene said surround decode. I haven't been able to play around with it since my old receiver Yamaha 2040 is at my in laws place but only 5.1 set up. My new house has a 7.2.4 setup, just waiting for the new receiver to power my bad boys ☺
Like snakeeyes says, I would use either DTS NeuralX or DSU (Dolby Surround).
Replicant 7

Replicant 7

Audioholic Samurai
I'm a Big fan of DTS-X. Plus I find it helps with older movies also. Me being a Sci-Fi junkie, DTS-X is awesome with Monster Hunter movie. Monsteeeers! Everywhere!! Run for your life!!:D


Audioholic Jedi
I think it was only the CX-A5200 that had that issue not the RX-A3080.
That’s what Gene said. I think the design of the 3080 is similar to the CX-A5100.

But again, we won’t hear any difference between the 5100 vs 5200. :D
AVR Enthu

AVR Enthu

Full Audioholic
You are definately not seeing the bigger picture if you think Yamaha was the only manufacturer with HDMI issues.
I can clearly see both bigger and global picture from multiple manufacturers, unless there is something new you would like to enlighten us with.


Audioholic Slumlord
I can clearly see both bigger and global picture from multiple manufacturers, unless there is something new you would like to enlighten us with.
If you did see the bigger picture, then you wouldn't have put out a post that was so blatantly dumb. I'll let you figure it out since you possess the global picture.


Audioholics Master Chief
Does anyone know if the Avantag RX a6a XLR connections have the same distortion issues that the 3080 or the via-5200 did?
I can confirm the new A6A doesn't have the same distortion issues out of the XLRs that the 5200 processor has. That issue was limited only to the 5200 and NOT the 3080.

The new A6A receiver (at least my sample) has a host of other more egregious issues that no other Yamaha products I tested have. I'm still waiting on a solution from Yamaha to this.


Audioholics Master Chief
This is my latest video on the "Pure Direct" feature. The Yamaha A6A platform is capable of some good measurements when not misbehaving.
AVR Enthu

AVR Enthu

Full Audioholic
If you did see the bigger picture, then you wouldn't have put out a post that was so blatantly dumb. I'll let you figure it out since you possess the global picture.
Is there anything specific about Yamaha's machines that makes you think people are posting 'blatantly dumb' posts? Do tell us, please. It'd be great to be informed.
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Audioholic Slumlord
Is there anything specific about Yamaha's machines that makes you think people are posting 'blatantly dumb' posts? Do tell us, please. It'd be great to be informed.
Not other posts, just that one of yours.


Audioholic Jedi
Is there anything "blatantly dumb" in thinking that new Denon lower tier AVRs will be selling like hot cakes for the holiday season and beyond?
The demand for Yamaha, Denon, Marantz, and probably ALL AVR's have been extremely high for the past year now. As long as the supplies can keep up, I am sure they will all be selling like hotcakes. :D

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