D@mn, SVS... They're responsible for all of that, too!?? Somebody got too big for their britches!
Lest this turn into a Steam Vent thread, all I wanna say is that The Dems really look to make certain the people are taken care of, while the Reps only look to take care of themselves and big business. The Dems recognize we need taxes to take care of the people. The Reps are anti-tax.
Both spend like there is no tomorrow, and neither is truly working from a sustainable standpoint... though if the Dems had a chance, we might see if taxes and social spending would amount to a sustainable future.
We know, however, that the modern Reps are not fiscal conservatives, and that their policies will not take care of anybody that isn't in the upper, say, 5% or a major Corporation.
It's really tough to try to practice being a responsible voter in our system. While I don't think a third party would ever be a viable solution, a proper candidate from a third party could potentially build bridges...
...Assuming the polarization of the modern adversarial approach to politics could be dropped. It is not supposed to be an either/or system, but that is what it has turned into.
As long as this is maintained, we will get nowhere. I may be wrong, but the blame for this can probably be laid very neatly at the feet of one Mr Newt Gingrich. (Not that others aren't responsible, but he above all others really laid the foundation of this scorched earth political BS that we are dealing with today.)