Maybe I'm just slow to the news but I was just on the SVS website and holy cow the prices on every speaker and sub is going on by a lot. The Prime Elevation I noticed 50 bucks each and was like, OK huh. Them I checked the Ultra Bookshelf and that is going up 100 bucks each, you are talking 1,200 bucks for a pair of bookshelf speakers when it was 999.99. The Prime Pinnacle is going up to 899.99 each, that is pretty pricey too but the biggest gains are the subs, the PB-2000 Pro I bought last spring is going up to 1,099.99!

That is way too high, the new PB-1000 Pro is going up to 799.99. I think they pricing themselves out of a lot of budgets. I mean I could see 50 bucks on everything but 200 bucks on every sub, 100 bucks on some speakers and 50 bucks on some. At 1,099.99 for the PB-2000 Pro I would not even have looked twice at at, too much for me.