How the Political parties are changing and Trump.

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Audioholic Spartan
Okay politics

My beliefs are kindoff a mix like a political mutt? I guess you could say. I reckon based on my life experiences. I normally vote independent but do identify with conservative values. I was raised in a conservative family

I support strong borders and realistic immigration policies. If I moved everyone into my house and it raises cost of living faster then they can help offset it I'll lose my house. It's just common sense. We can't help everyone. Other countries understand this and have pretty tough but realistic policies about coming into the country. Why can't we? The strong borders is just simple security really

I support the least amount of government intervention as you can get away with. When government is involved they are going to f it up period. I guess conservative to an extreme in that way. If you want to have an abortion get one. You want to get on only fans and support yourself through sexuality go for it. If you want to do drugs go ahead. As long as you don't break laws or hurt people this is the land of the free. If you can hustle and work your way into prosperity. I'm down for you. In the land of the free you should be free to survive and prosper.
People do it anyway. And the cost of controlling it is too outrageous and too high. Put those resources elsewhere

I support law and order because of what I advocate above. I want breakup of unions both in police and school. I want better transperancy in our police system. I want certain practices of the law to be rescinded. But I also want support of the law. Just applied equally. I support law enforcement in this country. In spite of my past and problems with the law. Because of my past. I don't trust in the good nature of humans in the type of freedom I advocate above

I support a strong military. But I do not support occupying other countries. They don't f with us leave them alone. If we are the land of the free countries should be free to setup whatever system of governing they want. Stop trying to make them all democratic like us

I support voter ID and voting at the polls whenever realistic. Mail in ballots stuff like that should be allowed. But not over emphasized Voting should be tough. Without that we have nightmares just like last election. And dont think for a second if the shoe was on the other foot the other party wouldnt cry foul. But the polls should be open all damn day if possible. 24/7.
No limiting hours or days this is the most important thing Americans can do. Let them encourage them to vote. The working single mom with 3 kids working nights should be able to hit the polls at 7am just like the working Joe getting off at 2pm.

I support science and the advocacy of human rights. I support all walks of life from humans. We have the technology now to let someone actually redesign there body to match what they feel in there soul. Isn't that incredible!!!!. This is the land of the free. If you want to do that go for it!!!
But that freedom can't restrict others. Women's sports should stay women's sports period. As an example. If you identify as another gender but still have a penis swinging between your legs or vice versa you should not be able to access areas for the opposite gender. For some common sense reasons really.

I believe in a balance of conservative values with liberal values when appropriate. Absolute deregulation and absolute government absence is as damaging as too much of it. Just like absolute freedom without strong law and order is a recipe for disaster. You have to have checks and balances on human nature

I believe in trimming the excess fat from our budget fir foreign wars and the war on drugs and controlling and policing certain deemed unacceptable behaviors and placing those freed up resources into support for our mentally ill our veterans and our less fortunate. But I want programs that get them back on there feet educated and employed not just handouts that keep them sick and dependent on the system

Reform of our education system and the break up of unions. Education should be less expensive don't know if we could make it free but it's too costly rigyt now and is too high a barrier for many as is.

And I especially abhor policing peoples behaviors behind the viel of conservative values which are really religious moral values you believe in and impose then on others. Conservative means less government intervention right? So stop intervening and using big government on issues like abortion sexuality behaviours when it doesn't conform to your moral code. Pisses me off about some conservatives. AA has shown me a society where it is possible to believe in anything and self govern itself in a way that allows absolute freedom of beliefs without imposing there beliefs on the freedom of the community. As long as the community and individuals safety well being and freedoms aren't placed at risk

That's politics next time I have to time to post we will get to your final question to Trump. And political parties futures. I can't stand that mother fu#$er Trump and am looking forward to getting into this. And by the way @Dal1as the Republicans sweeping in 2022 is not guaranteed by the sheer stupidity of one or 2 things conservatives are doing right now

But we will get into this later I've got to get ready for work
For the most I do like your ideals, unfortunately this country has become to polarized for them to succeed IMO


Audioholic Samurai
God Damnned Independant.

Since you brought up gender, there is no better example of stupidity than gender ideology. Right now, the rainbow colored unicorn poop is hitting the fan in the UK, and particularly Scotland, where a modern day witch trial is going on (feminist/lesbian on trial for "transphobic" tweets...apparently saying the obvious, such as "lesbians don't have penises" and brute biological facts such as "trans women are feminized biological males" is now regulated as "hate speech", ffs! In Scotland, who gave us Hume and the Enlightenment!).
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Audioholic General
Hello boys and girls. I'm fairly new to this board although I've been around AVS for awhile as Da1las. In another thread this was brought up so I figured I'd make a thread and hope we could have some civil discussion. I would also like people to maybe give a quick shout out about who they and how that possibly shaped or conditioned their ideology.

Myself, I'm 50. Have worked for DOD and served this country for 32 years. As a young man I was your typical carefree liberal/libertarian's type. I grew up watching National Geographic, jacque cousteau, and the like. Wanted to save the world. Soon after being stationed in California I began getting involved in some environmental groups and was shocked at their lies and outright deception. I was crushed so began to research everything myself and never take anyones word for anything. I still love the environment and am socially liberal but am much wiser how I see things. I currently consider myself Independent but due to circumstances vote Republican as I do not see the current Democrat party as a viable alternative. Hell I don't like the old school Republicans either.

So how have the political parties changed? To keep this short I'm only going to go back to the Clinton days when Democrats begin working closer to big money and business. Republicans had a huge foothold at the time being considered big business fat cats and pandering for the Religious vote. They really haven't changed much. Democrats have. Since the Clinton days the Democrat party has been bought and sold to big business. They are now the party of big money, big tech, big pharma, with old school Republicans clinging to fringe business and energy/oil. Another huge issue is the influence and money from China. Both parties are guilty of this. If anyone knows about K street and lobbying in D.C. it has gotten out of hand along with all our established overlord politicians. We really need to Flush the system.

So we now have new influence in both parties.

With the Democrats you have a combination. You have the new Socialists. Then the Social Justice movement which has Hollywood and the cancel culture behind it. In charge you still have the Big money Democrats though. The relationship only works because they have an enemy.

On the right there have always been the Liberterians who sort of drift in and out depending on the circumstances. You have the old school Republican fat cats and their church people. The emerging group is newer but has been around in the background for awhile. The America 1st group. Patriots, military Vets, and people who are tired of this country being sh1t on.

It's obvious where Trump comes in. He used the America 1st platform to win the Presidency and probably forever changed the Republican party.

To be honest I'm not one to like someone such as Trump. Queens swarmy embellishing businessman. No thanks. I'd rather commit suicide than vote for someone like Hillery Clinton though so I held my nose and actually liked some of the message. He's an asshole but he did try to make America great, did what he said he would, even though he got constant friction from both parties, the media, business, big tech, etc. and other countries like China took advantage of that.

In 2022 I believe Republicans will take the House and Senate with many new America 1st Republicans taking office. I do not see any good news for Democrats as Biden is failing badly in policy and cognisense. There best hope is that they have the Mainstream media and big tech on their side and will outspend Republicans again.

2024 could go two ways, the 2 Republican groups could turn on each other and self destruct any chance of winning, or they form a mutual truce and win the presidency which will likely spell the end of the old Republican party. Democrats will always have a chance though having the media and big tech in their pocket plus they are slick. They will cheat. Ballot harvesting anyone. If they lose badly in 2022 we may see the party split.

Will be an interesting few years. Just my take.

Wow, just fuckin wow. Trump tried to line his pockets. He FUCKED this country in everyway possible. He is a liar a thief, con man and tried to bring down the government rather than respect the constitution.
You post this as if you are a reasoned man. That is bullshit. No one votes for TRump who is. Take this act elsewhere.

I hated Hilary. I hated her husband too. I am a life long republican. I HAD to vote for her because I love my country and their just might be a God. I would not want to have to answer for enabling someone like TRump.

Obviously this set me off. No apologies. I have had it with Trumpists no matter how far they try to distance themselves.

The old GOp is dead, murdered by Trumpism. It is a race to the bottom now with each major candidate trying to out crazy the next. Abbott and DEsantis make this clear.

You vote for a Dem or you are voting to end democracy and set back American civilization.

I am done.
I hated Hillary


Junior Audioholic
Telling quote and so true. So many spoiled people in this country have no clue when it comes to the world and dealing with other cultures.

"A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control."


Junior Audioholic
Wow, just fuckin wow. Trump tried to line his pockets. He FUCKED this country in everyway possible. He is a liar a thief, con man and tried to bring down the government rather than respect the constitution.
You post this as if you are a reasoned man. That is bullshit. No one votes for TRump who is. Take this act elsewhere.

I hated Hilary. I hated her husband too. I am a life long republican. I HAD to vote for her because I love my country and their just might be a God. I would not want to have to answer for enabling someone like TRump.

Obviously this set me off. No apologies. I have had it with Trumpists no matter how far they try to distance themselves.

The old GOp is dead, murdered by Trumpism. It is a race to the bottom now with each major candidate trying to out crazy the next. Abbott and DEsantis make this clear.

You vote for a Dem or you are voting to end democracy and set back American civilization.

I am done.
I hated Hillary
I completely disagree with you and that's fine.

Trump lost a LOT of money and he knew he would doing what he did. He's probably the only politician to ever lose money by taking office. Why do all our elected officials become multi millionaires?


Audioholic Spartan
Wow, just fuckin wow. Trump tried to line his pockets. He FUCKED this country in everyway possible. He is a liar a thief, con man and tried to bring down the government rather than respect the constitution.
You post this as if you are a reasoned man. That is bullshit. No one votes for TRump who is. Take this act elsewhere.

I hated Hilary. I hated her husband too. I am a life long republican. I HAD to vote for her because I love my country and their just might be a God. I would not want to have to answer for enabling someone like TRump.

Obviously this set me off. No apologies. I have had it with Trumpists no matter how far they try to distance themselves.

The old GOp is dead, murdered by Trumpism. It is a race to the bottom now with each major candidate trying to out crazy the next. Abbott and DEsantis make this clear.

You vote for a Dem or you are voting to end democracy and set back American civilization.

I am done.
I hated Hillary
So many republicans are still in denial of what has become of GOP and the consequences for democracy by continuing voting for that party. Over here in EU we have Poland and Hungary that are dismantling democracy while the rest of EU looks helplessly at it, but they are examples of what GOP are attempting to do at home.


Audioholic Slumlord
I want breakup of unions both in police and school.
Yeah, 'cause cops and teachers got it too good. :rolleyes:

I can't believe I'm saying this because I'm not a fan of the Po Po and I think teaching jobs are paid pretty well all things considered. However taking away union representation, the right to strike, is just gonna make the talent pool even more shallow than it is now. Union leadership can be changed if Jimmy Hoffa is any indicator but breakup of unions just sounds wrong.

I support strong borders
Flame throwers.


Seriously, I have no life.
At 10 years of sobriety I was rear ended by a lady at a red light. She hit me full on not paying attention. I don't remember much I was thrown across the intersection. Severe TBI. This exacerbated my mood disorder beyond my control. Little did I know this was to be the best thing to happen to my life.

I was forced to deal with my bipolar disorder it was just beyond my ability to control. I met 2 amazing physicians thank you universe for them. Dr Benzick and Dr Novian. Benzick is my psychiatrist Dr Novian is a nueral specialist among other things in nueral feedback a radical type of treatment and therapy for people with brain trauma and mood disorders like mine. I was unable to work for a few years.

I began a treatment of medication nueral feedback and counseling. I combined the science and this treatment with my AA program. In about 3 years I was allowed to go back to work. In 4 I was working full time again
I am now employed at one of the most successful programs for our active duty military in the United States. I am very proud to be there. 2 years ago I was asked by my boss who knew my story to help rebuild the AA program fir the military which had gone to crap. Suicide related to substance abuse is one of the highest ever in any job in our military it's a huge problem. I have had the privilege of watching these men and women take what I have offered and turn it into a 20 to 30 night attendance meeting. Using my recovery network we have built a huge support network with members of the community and a very strong aftercare program. My greatest feeling was a few months ago when our therapists pulled me in and told me that there are know meetings on several bases that there patients are staying sober and still reach out to them and tell them how well they are doing. I've seen military come in voluntarily for rehab now due to our program because of these former patients there friends and fellow service members encouraging them to go. It's one of the greatest feelings in my life.

This job is my love my passion I love serving our military and will work here until I die. Or my body forces me to retire. I have been episode free of my bipolar for over 9 years and sober for 22

That's a condensed version. The only other thing is due to not going back to school because of my focus issues I got into a lot of side hustles. Nothing illegal. Underground poker in Texas was huge. As a game runner and player and dealer I amassed a lot of resources. Combining this with my income and then some smart investments I have become not rich but very stable in my finances. I retired officially from poker after I was robbed at an underground game. Another blessing in disguise. This job and the opportunity with my military plus my self care has now been given 100% of my focus

And I'm very happy with my career and the happiest ever as how I feel know as a human being. I've reunited with my family made peace with my father they both my mother and father know live with me part of the year. I never thought I could forgive my father. But he's changed and so have I. I know believe in miracles because of this.

My love for audio is obvious probably. It has enormous healing properties fir my mood disorder. It also gives me something to do a way to focus my energy even stable I have a ton of energy it has to go into something healthy. Poker although I was good at it was not healthy. Audio is that healthy outlet.

Okay enough of me know my politics. Final post on that I promise
Kudos- keep doing what you're doing. Life can be a struggle and too many just give up, but helping others can be one of the best ways to help ourselves.


Audioholic Warlord
Wow, just fuckin wow. Trump tried to line his pockets. He FUCKED this country in everyway possible. He is a liar a thief, con man and tried to bring down the government rather than respect the constitution.
It continues.

Tenants have moved out of the Trump Tower, no longer paying rent. One exception is Trump’s own Political Action Committee (PAC), legally able to collect unlimited campaign donations. His PAC rents space in his building for $37,000 a month, $444,000 per year! Those campaign donations go straight into his pockets. What a fraud!


Audioholic Spartan
Well there you have it. Banned from the Coronavirus thread because "I thought differently" and am not in lockstep with the Covid cult. I was respectful to those who were to me and even created a seperate thread for the politics we began discussing. Even though the thread has politics all through it and those on "their side" are able to say and do anything and now lie about me and ask for my posts to be deleted.

This is how fascism works.

Y'all enjoy the circle jerk. I'm done here.
I think some of the problem is you didn't provide links to your claims.


Audioholic Spartan
It continues.

Tenants have moved out of the Trump Tower, no longer paying rent. One exception is Trump’s own Political Action Committee (PAC), legally able to collect unlimited campaign donations. His PAC rents space in his building for $37,000 a month, $444,000 per year! Those campaign donations go straight into his pockets. What a fraud!
two key words in your response ......... 'legally able' !

As much as I don't like Trump don't think for one minute that a low life Democrat wouldn't do the same thing !!


Audioholic Warlord
two key words in your response ......... 'legally able'!
It may be considered legal, because of a dubious Supreme Court ruling, but it is hardly legitimate. Unlimited and untraceable money corrupts elections, without question. The US Constitution never intended that. And with Trump, it fails as a plain and simple smell test.
As much as I don't like Trump don't think for one minute that a low life Democrat wouldn't do the same thing !!
And yet, Trump does it, where Democrats haven't. Your 'justification' fails as an excuse, much less at rationalizing Trump's corruption.

Your flimsy excuse reminds me of my old grandmother during the Watergate years. She claimed that 'Everyone does it', so 'Why the fuss?' To the best of my memory, no Democratic president had to resign from office because he had subverted the Constitution, and was about to be impeached and forced out of office. Trump repeatedly broke the law before, during, and after he was in office.
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Audioholic Spartan
It may be considered legal, because of a dubious Supreme Court ruling, but it is hardly legitimate. Unlimited and untraceable money corrupts elections, without question. The US Constitution never intended that. And with Trump, it fails a plain and simple smell test.
And yet, Trump does it, where Democrats haven't. Your 'justification' fails as an excuse, much less at rationalizing Trump's corruption.
That dude you replied to should be in great physical shape with carrying all that water for Trump and his acolytes. If he only spent a little of that energy on improving his moral sensibilities he would not be that moral cripple he is now.


Audioholic Spartan
It may be considered legal, because of a dubious Supreme Court ruling, but it is hardly legitimate. Unlimited and untraceable money corrupts elections, without question. The US Constitution never intended that. And with Trump, it fails a plain and simple smell test.
And yet, Trump does it, where Democrats haven't. Your 'justification' fails as an excuse, much less at rationalizing Trump's corruption.

Your flimsy excuse reminds me of my old grandmother during the Watergate years. She claimed that 'Everyone does it', so 'Why the fuss?' To the best of my memory, no Democratic president had to resign from office because he had subverted the Constitution, and was about to be impeached and forced out of office. Trump repeatedly broke the law before, during, and after he was in office.
You, like your butt brother 'Trell' continue to think somehow I'm in Trumps corner ?? Is it your overly active liberal mind that believes all conservatives are 'Trumpers' ? if so, you are delusional !

You took my jab at Democrat comment out of context, I was not referencing just Presidents. So please don't put all Democrats atop your mantle for there's plenty that belong in the dumpster with their Republican counterparts !
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
You took my jab at Democrat comment out of context, I was not referencing just Presidents. So please don't put all Democrats atop your mantle for there's plenty that belong in the dumpster with their Republican counterparts !
You say this every time someone calls you out. Think about it. The Republicans that are standing up to tRump are being ostracized by the party. Right now Republicans are tRump. Did democrats stand up and defend Cuomo as he went down in flames? No. People didn't say oh all the women must be lying and give him a pass. He didn't pay off porn stars and use public money to do it. Every time you throw stones at the other side to make yourself feel better. The Republican party is a mess and is bent on tearing apart the fabric of out country to protect the biggest crook to ever be president.


Seriously, I have no life.
You say this every time someone calls you out. Think about it. The Republicans that are standing up to tRump are being ostracized by the party.
But, maybe enough will jump ship and start a new branch that is shifted more toward the center. They can ride Unicorns to the convention. :)


Audioholic Spartan
Okay @Dal1as why I dislike Trump

Not because he's racist or a white supremacist or anything of that nature. He could be I don't think it can be proven. I mean even his supporters say he is an ego maniac and an asshole. They excuse it off with that's just how he is so yeah behind closed doors who knows? But most of that spin is media based and difficult to outright prove

I still remember way back in 2016 all the people at his roasting party before the election. I mean if your so racist how the f#$ck is snoop dog and other black celebrities going to be at your party

He was roasted by every body having a great time it's all fun and games because NOBODY really thought he had a chance in hell at winning

Then he won. And sh$t stopped being funny real quick. And it got ugly real fast so nah I don't buy that media spin. That's not why I don't like him
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