How the Political parties are changing and Trump.

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Junior Audioholic
Only one with anything reasonable to say so far is wookie. Dallas, you got any audio chops or only brought your political idiocy to the forum?

I bet you know all about circle jerks with your political beliefs. Look in the mirror for the fascism....or at your political pals.
Been an audio/video nut for over 30 years. Posted a thread asking about inwall speaker experience but didn't get any traction. Plan on demoing and redoing the whole basement. Theater, pool/gameroom/etc. But will keep it over on AVS.

Say what you want. This place is trash and extremely biased. I wasn't even the one who was throwing around the politics crap in the Coronavirus thread. Gonad started it and one guy (posted above) quoted one of my posts from another thread politically attacking me. Danzilla and I had 1 post talking about politics and then I created this thread.

You are so brainwashed you don't know what fascism is.

I'm not ones to debate with single minded idiots and the mods are obviously biased so I'll just watch the country burn elsewhere.


Audioholic Jedi
Been an audio/video nut for over 30 years. Posted a thread asking about inwall speaker experience but didn't get any traction. Plan on demoing and redoing the whole basement. Theater, pool/gameroom/etc. But will keep it over on AVS.

Say what you want. This place is trash and extremely biased. I wasn't even the one who was throwing around the politics crap in the Coronavirus thread. Gonad started it and one guy (posted above) quoted one of my posts from another thread politically attacking me. Danzilla and I had 1 post talking about politics and then I created this thread.

You are so brainwashed you don't know what fascism is.

I'm not ones to debate with single minded idiots and the mods are obviously biased so I'll just watch the country burn elsewhere.
You are brainwashed to a greater extent it seems with the nonsense and conspiracy theories you spout, but you do support the fascist aspects in this country via the current republican party, who set the damn place on fire in the first place.


Audioholic Overlord
Did we actually get rid of that twot!
Probably not, as of 2:56 PM PDT, at least. Unless he has a tragically fatal circle jerk accident while whining amongst his echo chamber friends about getting punted from the Coronavirus thread, he is still with us.

For the record... since I'm posting here again... I grew up in a conservative Midwest household and have no proper understanding how modern republicans have any claim to the identity of the Republicans of the past. Since Reagan's embrace of the evangelicals and Gingrich, everything has changed for the worse.
The fact we (as a whole people) continue to rubber stamp a ruling class is utterly pathetic and goes against everything our country was founded on, yet both sides continue to play this game and get tacit 'approval' from the general populace to keep it up.
I was once told by a practicing Satanist that their primary reason for existence is to sew chaos; not to support the establishment and puppet their beliefs. What strikes me as truly sad is that modern republicans and the evangelical base are doing this in SPADES! The lip service of the "right" is more damaging to the fabric of our society as a whole than the lip service of most of the left.
None of them are free from scrutiny in my book.
Yet this societal running away from the simple universal truths is what is more stunning to me. The left, for the most part, still respects basic human rights. I could give two fcuks for the political correctness, but I do embrace Science over the demagoguery of the "right." I embrace critical thinking over hero worship and puppet leaders.

Moreover, I think humans will be better served if WE stop kicking against each other and likewise celebrating what makes us different.

We are not all that different. And it will be in the unity of humankind overall that makes us strong enough to survive the perils brought about by our own existence.

And for every dumb-@$$ fcuktard out there that thinks their personal freedom drumphs that of the greater good of all of humanity, they all deserve to burn in the wildfires sweeping the globe, be it actual fire, numerous hurricane, extreme contagion, or whatever else the universe has in store for the continuing stupidification and ignorance of "humankind" as we "human" our way toward extinction.


I'm out...

and I'm not coming back to this dumpster-fire thread.

and just because it is way too fucking apropos:



Proper GIFs | Tenor


Junior Audioholic
Probably not, as of 2:56 PM PDT, at least. Unless he has a tragically fatal circle jerk accident while whining amongst his echo chamber friends about getting punted from the Coronavirus thread, he is still with us.

For the record... since I'm posting here again... I grew up in a conservative Midwest household and have no proper understanding how modern republicans have any claim to the identity of the Republicans of the past. Since Reagan's embrace of the evangelicals and Gingrich, everything has changed for the worse.
The fact we (as a whole people) continue to rubber stamp a ruling class is utterly pathetic and goes against everything our country was founded on, yet both sides continue to play this game and get tacit 'approval' from the general populace to keep it up.
I was once told by a practicing Satanist that their primary reason for existence is to sew chaos; not to support the establishment and puppet their beliefs. What strikes me as truly sad is that modern republicans and the evangelical base are doing this in SPADES! The lip service of the "right" is more damaging to the fabric of our society as a whole than the lip service of most of the left.
None of them are free from scrutiny in my book.
Yet this societal running away from the simple universal truths is what is more stunning to me. The left, for the most part, still respects basic human rights. I could give two fcuks for the political correctness, but I do embrace Science over the demagoguery of the "right." I embrace critical thinking over hero worship and puppet leaders.

Moreover, I think humans will be better served if WE stop kicking against each other and likewise celebrating what makes us different.

We are not all that different. And it will be in the unity of humankind overall that makes us strong enough to survive the perils brought about by our own existence.

And for every dumb-@$$ fcuktard out there that thinks their personal freedom drumphs that of the greater good of all of humanity, they all deserve to burn in the wildfires sweeping the globe, be it actual fire, numerous hurricane, extreme contagion, or whatever else the universe has in store for the continuing stupidification and ignorance of "humankind" as we "human" our way toward extinction.


I'm out...
View attachment 50076
and I'm not coming back to this dumpster-fire thread.

and just because it is way too fucking apropos:

View attachment 50077


Proper GIFs | Tenor
The circle Jerks gif was already dropped. May as well pick up that Mic dumbass. You beta males crack me up.


Audioholic Spartan
Hello I did ask you to start a political thread over here and thank you for doing so.

I think this thread will be interesting to say the least I'm sorry I've been delayed in getting on this thread. But work has been very busy

If I drop off it's because I fell asleep it's been a long day. I'm tired. While I'm awake instead of one gigantic post I'll split it into 2. You asked me to talk about myself that will be post #1. My political points of view will be #2


Audioholic Spartan
I should start be saying my life has 2 chapters. The first is addiction the 2nd is recovery

I grew up in a family of addiction. Never knew my grandparents most died of alcoholism or drugs. My father didn't but was a workaholic and very let's just say an angry person. Our family was very dysfunctional. I am the youngest my brother became full blown into addiction. He was just as angry as my father. My sisters were not much better. My parents had been married before so I was my parents only full blooded child and the youngest. This meant between my father issues and my siblings jealousy of being my parents only child I was the brunt of a lot of anger to put it mildly

To make a long story short I had my growth spurt at adolescence and boy was it a big one. I vowed nobody would ever hurt me again. I trained got big and very angry and mean. I also became an alcoholic. Its strong in my family and my progression was rapid. Adding in drugs to binge longer just sped up the process. I was homeless by the age of 21. And I stayed that way until the age of 24. When I was 12 stepped on the streets of down town San Antonio that's chapter 1


Audioholic Spartan
Chapter 2 begins with that man who not only 12 stepped me but also became a 2nd father to me and my sponsor. He was a licensed therapist and pulled some strings. I was able to get into a 2 week detox due to his connections detox which turned into 4 because the first 2 weeks was very hard to seperate my body from alcohol. I had several seizures despite the benzo protocol and I don't remember the first 10 days that man visited me every week when my health cleared. And offered me a different way to live through the AA program something clicked I'd had enough I accepted and my life changed

I started out sleeping behind club 12 a meeting place here in San Antonio doing odd jobs as the meeting members saw I was serious about sobriety. After 6 months I'd managed to regain my ID and settled my legal issues. At 9 months I made it into my first halfway house a sober place for people coming off the streets. I started working full time and a year after that secured my first apartment

I tried to go back to school but couldn't do well. I had lots of swings that my sponsor said should have cleared up by then. I was officially diagnosed as bipolar mixed at 2 1/2 years of sobriety. I was in severe denial it was bad enough to be alcoholic and refused to accept my diagnosis. I stayed sober but it was difficult at times due to my ups and downs with my moods

I couldn't do well at school to this day it's difficult for me to sit still and focus. But I'd do well with jobs that were social and very physically active. I became a very good psych tech and had a knack for bonding very well with patients especially the more aggressive ones. I could often times get them to do what others couldn't. I built a very solid career and have worked child adolescent adult geriatric psych did extensive work in forensic units and prisons and my current job is for the military

Okay need a break next post is recovery 2nd half


Audioholic Spartan
At 10 years of sobriety I was rear ended by a lady at a red light. She hit me full on not paying attention. I don't remember much I was thrown across the intersection. Severe TBI. This exacerbated my mood disorder beyond my control. Little did I know this was to be the best thing to happen to my life.

I was forced to deal with my bipolar disorder it was just beyond my ability to control. I met 2 amazing physicians thank you universe for them. Dr Benzick and Dr Novian. Benzick is my psychiatrist Dr Novian is a nueral specialist among other things in nueral feedback a radical type of treatment and therapy for people with brain trauma and mood disorders like mine. I was unable to work for a few years.

I began a treatment of medication nueral feedback and counseling. I combined the science and this treatment with my AA program. In about 3 years I was allowed to go back to work. In 4 I was working full time again
I am now employed at one of the most successful programs for our active duty military in the United States. I am very proud to be there. 2 years ago I was asked by my boss who knew my story to help rebuild the AA program fir the military which had gone to crap. Suicide related to substance abuse is one of the highest ever in any job in our military it's a huge problem. I have had the privilege of watching these men and women take what I have offered and turn it into a 20 to 30 night attendance meeting. Using my recovery network we have built a huge support network with members of the community and a very strong aftercare program. My greatest feeling was a few months ago when our therapists pulled me in and told me that there are know meetings on several bases that there patients are staying sober and still reach out to them and tell them how well they are doing. I've seen military come in voluntarily for rehab now due to our program because of these former patients there friends and fellow service members encouraging them to go. It's one of the greatest feelings in my life.

This job is my love my passion I love serving our military and will work here until I die. Or my body forces me to retire. I have been episode free of my bipolar for over 9 years and sober for 22

That's a condensed version. The only other thing is due to not going back to school because of my focus issues I got into a lot of side hustles. Nothing illegal. Underground poker in Texas was huge. As a game runner and player and dealer I amassed a lot of resources. Combining this with my income and then some smart investments I have become not rich but very stable in my finances. I retired officially from poker after I was robbed at an underground game. Another blessing in disguise. This job and the opportunity with my military plus my self care has now been given 100% of my focus

And I'm very happy with my career and the happiest ever as how I feel know as a human being. I've reunited with my family made peace with my father they both my mother and father know live with me part of the year. I never thought I could forgive my father. But he's changed and so have I. I know believe in miracles because of this.

My love for audio is obvious probably. It has enormous healing properties fir my mood disorder. It also gives me something to do a way to focus my energy even stable I have a ton of energy it has to go into something healthy. Poker although I was good at it was not healthy. Audio is that healthy outlet.

Okay enough of me know my politics. Final post on that I promise
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Audioholic Spartan
I may have to do the political part tommorow getting very tired and it's important to stay disciplined on my sleep hygiene. So if I dip out I'll be back in the morning to post my politics and hopefully have some good discussions in this thread.


Audioholic Samurai

Lots of helplessness demonstrated by the masses, and leadership predominantly comprised of bandits. We're fucked. I'll be enjoying the music, and getting my kicks in before the whole shithouse goes up in flames!

That's all the political nuance I can muster for an audio forum this morning. Biking and camping takes precedence this holiday weekend.

Political affiliation: GDI, cynic


Audioholic Spartan
Okay politics

My beliefs are kindoff a mix like a political mutt? I guess you could say. I reckon based on my life experiences. I normally vote independent but do identify with conservative values. I was raised in a conservative family

I support strong borders and realistic immigration policies. If I moved everyone into my house and it raises cost of living faster then they can help offset it I'll lose my house. It's just common sense. We can't help everyone. Other countries understand this and have pretty tough but realistic policies about coming into the country. Why can't we? The strong borders is just simple security really

I support the least amount of government intervention as you can get away with. When government is involved they are going to f it up period. I guess conservative to an extreme in that way. If you want to have an abortion get one. You want to get on only fans and support yourself through sexuality go for it. If you want to do drugs go ahead. As long as you don't break laws or hurt people this is the land of the free. If you can hustle and work your way into prosperity. I'm down for you. In the land of the free you should be free to survive and prosper.
People do it anyway. And the cost of controlling it is too outrageous and too high. Put those resources elsewhere

I support law and order because of what I advocate above. I want breakup of unions both in police and school. I want better transperancy in our police system. I want certain practices of the law to be rescinded. But I also want support of the law. Just applied equally. I support law enforcement in this country. In spite of my past and problems with the law. Because of my past. I don't trust in the good nature of humans in the type of freedom I advocate above

I support a strong military. But I do not support occupying other countries. They don't f with us leave them alone. If we are the land of the free countries should be free to setup whatever system of governing they want. Stop trying to make them all democratic like us

I support voter ID and voting at the polls whenever realistic. Mail in ballots stuff like that should be allowed. But not over emphasized Voting should be tough. Without that we have nightmares just like last election. And dont think for a second if the shoe was on the other foot the other party wouldnt cry foul. But the polls should be open all damn day if possible. 24/7.
No limiting hours or days this is the most important thing Americans can do. Let them encourage them to vote. The working single mom with 3 kids working nights should be able to hit the polls at 7am just like the working Joe getting off at 2pm.

I support science and the advocacy of human rights. I support all walks of life from humans. We have the technology now to let someone actually redesign there body to match what they feel in there soul. Isn't that incredible!!!!. This is the land of the free. If you want to do that go for it!!!
But that freedom can't restrict others. Women's sports should stay women's sports period. As an example. If you identify as another gender but still have a penis swinging between your legs or vice versa you should not be able to access areas for the opposite gender. For some common sense reasons really.

I believe in a balance of conservative values with liberal values when appropriate. Absolute deregulation and absolute government absence is as damaging as too much of it. Just like absolute freedom without strong law and order is a recipe for disaster. You have to have checks and balances on human nature

I believe in trimming the excess fat from our budget fir foreign wars and the war on drugs and controlling and policing certain deemed unacceptable behaviors and placing those freed up resources into support for our mentally ill our veterans and our less fortunate. But I want programs that get them back on there feet educated and employed not just handouts that keep them sick and dependent on the system

Reform of our education system and the break up of unions. Education should be less expensive don't know if we could make it free but it's too costly rigyt now and is too high a barrier for many as is.

And I especially abhor policing peoples behaviors behind the viel of conservative values which are really religious moral values you believe in and impose then on others. Conservative means less government intervention right? So stop intervening and using big government on issues like abortion sexuality behaviours when it doesn't conform to your moral code. Pisses me off about some conservatives. AA has shown me a society where it is possible to believe in anything and self govern itself in a way that allows absolute freedom of beliefs without imposing there beliefs on the freedom of the community. As long as the community and individuals safety well being and freedoms aren't placed at risk

That's politics next time I have to time to post we will get to your final question to Trump. And political parties futures. I can't stand that mother fu#$er Trump and am looking forward to getting into this. And by the way @Dal1as the Republicans sweeping in 2022 is not guaranteed by the sheer stupidity of one or 2 things conservatives are doing right now

But we will get into this later I've got to get ready for work
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Junior Audioholic
At 10 years of sobriety I was rear ended by a lady at a red light. She hit me full on not paying attention. I don't remember much I was thrown across the intersection. Severe TBI. This exacerbated my mood disorder beyond my control. Little did I know this was to be the best thing to happen to my life.

I was forced to deal with my bipolar disorder it was just beyond my ability to control. I met 2 amazing physicians thank you universe for them. Dr Benzick and Dr Novian. Benzick is my psychiatrist Dr Novian is a nueral specialist among other things in nueral feedback a radical type of treatment and therapy for people with brain trauma and mood disorders like mine. I was unable to work for a few years.

I began a treatment of medication nueral feedback and counseling. I combined the science and this treatment with my AA program. In about 3 years I was allowed to go back to work. In 4 I was working full time again
I am now employed at one of the most successful programs for our active duty military in the United States. I am very proud to be there. 2 years ago I was asked by my boss who knew my story to help rebuild the AA program fir the military which had gone to crap. Suicide related to substance abuse is one of the highest ever in any job in our military it's a huge problem. I have had the privilege of watching these men and women take what I have offered and turn it into a 20 to 30 night attendance meeting. Using my recovery network we have built a huge support network with members of the community and a very strong aftercare program. My greatest feeling was a few months ago when our therapists pulled me in and told me that there are know meetings on several bases that there patients are staying sober and still reach out to them and tell them how well they are doing. I've seen military come in voluntarily for rehab now due to our program because of these former patients there friends and fellow service members encouraging them to go. It's one of the greatest feelings in my life.

This job is my love my passion I love serving our military and will work here until I die. Or my body forces me to retire. I have been episode free of my bipolar for over 9 years and sober for 22

That's a condensed version. The only other thing is due to not going back to school because of my focus issues I got into a lot of side hustles. Nothing illegal. Underground poker in Texas was huge. As a game runner and player and dealer I amassed a lot of resources. Combining this with my income and then some smart investments I have become not rich but very stable in my finances. I retired officially from poker after I was robbed at an underground game. Another blessing in disguise. This job and the opportunity with my military plus my self care has now been given 100% of my focus

And I'm very happy with my career and the happiest ever as how I feel know as a human being. I've reunited with my family made peace with my father they both my mother and father know live with me part of the year. I never thought I could forgive my father. But he's changed and so have I. I know believe in miracles because of this.

My love for audio is obvious probably. It has enormous healing properties fir my mood disorder. It also gives me something to do a way to focus my energy even stable I have a ton of energy it has to go into something healthy. Poker although I was good at it was not healthy. Audio is that healthy outlet.

Okay enough of me know my politics. Final post on that I promise
Kudos to you sir. Good job finding yourself and your service to those in need.

Maiden's new album out today. If you haven't seen th animated video for The Writing On The Wall. Watch it. It's epic. Also very telling on the world we live in. They actually wrote it before the pandemic. 2 of the original Pixar engineers helped them.
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