Of course, as I mentioned many times that I don't put a lot of value in subjective measurements based on: been there, done that.., or may be because I am an engineer trained to rely on facts and data. So to me, talks about brands having their sound just aren't logical, when comparing products at similar price point, design, specs and measurements. On that, you don't have to be an EE, just have to check the definitions of audio specs such as distortions that include magnitude (FR), phase distortions, waveforums (THD), SNR, DR, XT and then just think logically.
A couple simple example of myths being propagated, sometimes by even "experts":
THD+N has no or little relationship to sound quality?
This can be valid with stated caveats, but imo not so much (can agree to some extents) as a general statement. Logically, would it matter if one gear's THD+N measured -65 dB, 20-20,000 Hz, from 0.5 W output to rated output and the other measured -75 dB, probably not, but -55 dB vs -75 dB would certainly matter because the difference would be audible.
Some will say, it depends on the harmonic profiles/contents, again true to some extents as a general statement, but if THD+N, being "total", is at -100 dB (for argument sake) such as that achieved by some Denon models, then who care what the harmonics are, a total of 0 is still 0 right? so if the total is 0.001% (some prefer %), it can't be worse than one that has 1%, even if the gear with 1% THD has only low order harmonics such as 2nd and 3rd.
I can give examples of the often mentioned "what about slew rate", damping factor and others that may not be typically measured, but would do so on request only as I know full well for those who insist on the only thing that matters are what their ears tell them, measurements are for %$&*(@... You seem like open minded to both subjective and objective measurements so I took liberty to vent just a little, hope you don't mind.