LP jackets are easier to read, for some people. The text is larger. How hard is it to understand?
I was just curious since you had posted that you use Spotify and used CDs because digital downloads are too expensive. Musicians and writers make almost nothing from streaming, so I thought I would ask that question to give you some context. Spotify, Pandora and others pay very little to people who write the music they make millions from and I wondered if you knew, or had thought about it. If you made something and people were required to pay for its use or for the physical item, you might understand. Making music has become "not worth the effort" for a lot of people because of streaming providers.
My initial comment on the article was this:
Comments have been made about CD’s.
If I may elaborate on my interest in them:
Absolutely equivalent not better sound is available in other ways but that is not why I like CD’s.
I like them for cover art and liner notes which have nothing to do with sound quality and I would not direct anyone to them for audio quality. For example, my best of Bob Seger has some nice photos, wonderful commentary on how and why the songs were written and the lyrics. I also like them because buying a CD, especially used ones are often more affordable then a digital download.
The author has absolutely right that we should not be directing people with potential interest in audio to CD’s.
I am just saying my interest in them comes from a rational, informed viewpoint that while in a minority is valid.”
You wrote a confusing comment about “many people” finding CD inserts being small. Whatever- I never said they were smaller or bigger than LP notes just that I liked them.
Then you ask me about wanting to make money off my product and I ask why. You respond because I said I was a Spotify customer. The above quote doesn’t say that and it never would have because I am not a Spotify customer. Where on earth did you get that???
So yes, I find you confusing.