As I take a few precious moments to poke out of my cave...
I agree with Pogre, here...
You haven't received the Speakers yet; haven't listened to them on your AVR. Until you do, this is a pretty ridiculous continuation of the conversation.
If you want an Amp, get an Amp. Nobody is going to stop you and the only limit will be what you are willing to spend. I didn't
need amps, and I have them!
They don't magically change anything about the way my system performs when I'm listening from -10 to -5... They do likely help when I bump it to 0 and watch the world get destroyed by Godzilla!
I think you should sit tight and experience them on your AVR before making a decision. Unless you really just want Amps. If its the latter, shop smart, get something capable of delivering a good clean 300w or more into 4 ohms. I would highly recommend Purifi or Hypex based Class D amps, which you can get as 2- and even 3- channel MonoBlock in a single chassis.