It was a clever and funny piece.....until TDS reared its ugly head. Gene is best discussing "unified spkr placement" or his awesome influence on getting Dolby to bring back "center spread". Really does his Audiophile e-mag a disservice alienating a great portion of his audience.
I'm a conservative and I don't feel alienated. Learn to laugh at ourselves a little. That type of knee jerk hyper sensitive reaction is what gives us a bad name bro.
Once COVID hit I freaked out a little I mean it's been scary times for everyone. And it was difficult to deal with what I saw my patients go through because of it in mental health. And a lot of times the politics would just get me wound up on some tough problems were going through. I was stressed tired overworked depressed angry isolated but you know what? I forgot so was everyone else not matter what they're politics and beliefs they just like me were going through it too
Then I had a revelation and I've been able to sleep better and be more myself ever since.
The moment we as a western society started arguing over whether Mr Potato Head had a certain private part or not I realized being socially isolated with COVID has caused us all to lose our minds Lol
And I can't take politics too seriously anymore until a lot of us me included calm the fudge down bro.
Life's to short let's learn to laugh at each other it'll help the healing and start up the right conversations
And for the record I'm not downplaying the tragedys of anything that has happened in current events and I don't think Gene is either
But you'll go crazy if you get to worked up about it. Just a friendly suggestion Lighten up bro