Problem with narcotics is that there is great deal of pressure on physicians to NOT prescribe them. In the case of fractures, the local orthopedists have requested ED physicians to prescribe only a few Percocet or Vicodin (around 12 total) along with instructions to take ibuprofen and tylenol unless absolutely cannot take the pain without the narcotic. In my state, the state pharmacy board sends out a report every other month or so that shows how many narcotic Rx you have written and then compares it with how many have been written by colleagues in similar practices. It always seems to deflate the alleged numbers prescribed by the others by a ridiculous amount. So in this case it is not uncaring physicians, but rather the pressure is to get rid of narcotic prescriptions since there is such a huge problem with narcotic addiction and OD. As usual, there are so many that abuse a privilege (or drug in this case) that those who truly need them suffer.