Pretty much in agreement with Lovin', across the board. Without knowing more details about your scene, how far you sit and listening habits, it's hard to make a good recommendation.
JTR or other Horn loaded speakers would give you greater sensitivity for certain (louder with less power) but you also don't seem to be shy on power, either, and thus would be limited by what the speaker could endure.
Well, the speaker and you ears.
Truth is most people rarely seem to listen at much more than -10dB. That gets pretty loud and makes me happy, and I don't have to worry about damaging my hearing unless I am deep diving for a full afternoon (in which case I turn it down a little).
Depending on what you are in to, and how much you want to spend, there is also Tekton. They aren't necessarily the best speaker on the planet, but people love Eric's work and they are advertised with both high sensitivity and the ability to take a good amount of power.