Out in west Texas, near Sweetwater and Big Spring, the are vast wind farms. Because the wind turbines are so huge and there are so many of them, it looks like something out of a science fiction movie - pretty cool looking (and quite ugly at the same time). The thing is, over the past ten years or so, every time I pass through the area (once or twice a year) less than 10% are turning... I know a bunch "froze up" during this freeze, but countless ones, from what I could see on my trips, were not working in the first place...
More than 2.5M people lost their power as wind farms froze up. Biden wants to nationalize this.
On a lighter note, I have been working from home this week as 1) driving conditions are terrible and Texas drivers can't handle it and 2) power outages at my office. I wore one of my pairs of my three pairs of InCase Sonic headphones (discontinued) for nine hours yesterday and they were sooo comfortable (I can easily sleep with these things on!). Added bonus: they sound awesome!
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I recently saw a pair for sale on the E of Bays - I may have to pick up (another) backup...