Many standalone Dacs come with a preamp mode too (and they can be used that way, but, it doesn't meant it's the primary design intent)... In fact, they tend to sound better in pure DAC mode (preamp disabled). If you have a integrated amp like the Yam A-S801, A-S1200, A-S2200 etc, it would be a poor assumption to think that the "preamp" on the WXC-50 can keep up with the preamp sections on these integrated amps.
Yammy does make some very good sounding DACs..aka the DACs in their higher priced CD players (CD-S1000, CD-S2100, higher end aventage receivers, etc). But, the WXC 50 isn't one of them. There's only so much you can do at that price point. But, there is no better bang for the buck streamer transport than the WXC 50 period. In fact, i even use it in my reference setup WXC50 ---> Denfrips Venus Dac ---> Luxman amps/TAD speakers ( a 200 dollar transport paired with other $$$$$ is that good).
You wouldn't need a separate DAC with something like the Technics ST-C700 streamer because the DAC implementation on it is reallly good. That model is trickle down from their $$$$ reference gear. But, the ST-C700 also costs a 1000ish bucks (not exactly cheap).
Almost always, it is cheaper to get a cheap streamer transport or CD transport and pair it with a relatively affordable standalone DAC for good sound. When you put them both (transport and DAC) in the same box, the price almost always gets higher to get to the same sound quality of the former. Hope that makes sense.
Amazon had the WXC 50 on sale for 200 bucks when i bought it. I bought 2 of them.