I may have missed it, but I didn't see the reason for changing the posts- if it has to do with Gold vs Nickel, don't bother.
Did the wires have a metal o-ring on the ends? Is it possible that you tightened the posts again once the woofers were in place, 'just to make sure they were tight enough'? If so, one may have rotated and is now touching the other.
Personally, I think I would have done this slightly differently, but I tend to over-do things, at times. I might have been tempted to drill the holes larger, put tape over the hole on one side, fill them with epoxy and drill them out when the epoxy has set. This would insulate the posts from the wood (not sure it's even conductive- never seen that before)- this is done on boats when holes need to be drilled below the waterline on hulls that have wood sandwiched between fiberglass, to protect the wood from the water.