What was the seminal event that caused America's fall from greatness?



Electing a black President was a bridge too far so we got TRump.
I don't think that's true. He was re-elected for starters. Things that are getting pushed back against and hence the swing to the right:

Political Correctness run amok

Jobs being off shored

Regulations piling up

Free trade agreements not providing enough balance

Trade Deficit

National Debt

Media dishonesty and this is not just Fox, CNN is equally guilty. Just as Nick Sandmann

Social Platforms being politicized and often heavily left leaning (take a look at surreptitiously recorded videos of platform moderators en-block deleting right leaning posts).


Seriously, I have no life.
Well the largest thing in common I believe over the years for congressman is that they tend to be lawyers. The actors and celebrity thing has always puzzled me....and that California elected two of them (or more?) to governor to boot. I'd love to see a national referendum to vote on how to set term limits and compensation for these guys, particularly their retirement and healthcare.
I think it would require a Constitutional Convention- they surely won't take anything away from themselves.


What do you think about the MAGA crowd then? Their very slogan says that USA has fallen from greatness.
I don't agree with much when it come's to the Trump camp.

I don't agree with the people from the right that say we aren't a great nation and I don't agree with people from the left that see our nation as the devil and a social injustice in everything.


Audioholic Samurai
The afternoon after the signing of the declaration? ;)

What did I win?


Audioholic Warlord
I don't agree with much when it come's to the Trump camp.

I don't agree with the people from the right that say we aren't a great nation and I don't agree with people from the left that see our nation as the devil and a social injustice in everything.
I think the issue is that soo many people think we have the greatest country in the world, but somehow also have no problems at all. This is simply not the case, as we are all aware.

We have plenty of things that are fantastic in this country, and plenty of things that are terrible or need a good overhaul. Nothing is stopping the US from constantly improving our country and our citizens, but it seems to a lot of folks that our federal government and large corporations that lobby to them are in control and nothing we do matters in the grand scheme of things.

That isn't true. If we actually got together and tried to make changes for the better, you'd see a lot of people willing to do the work, but getting people to work together is becoming increasingly difficult due to the large and unnecessary party divide. Too many democrats see republicans as evil and vice versa. That's just a silly and immature concept, and is pretty much how prejudice works. "This groups isn't exactly like me so they must be evil" is a thought that is stated over and over by too many "news" organizations and social media posts.

Doing away with misinformation and pandering would go a long way to making this a much better place.
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Audioholic Spartan
Accurate, well said and quite inspirational actually. Makes me wanna' sing... " I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfectly harmonyyyyy.." By the way, you look amazing today Panters.;)


Audioholic Warlord
Accurate, well said and quite inspirational actually. Makes me wanna' sing... " I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfectly harmonyyyyy.." By the way, you look amazing today Panters.;)


Audioholic Spartan
I had a similar reaction when I saw Gary Cole in a Dodge commercial and AC/DC's new album was playing in the background. Guess everybody is just doin' what they can these days.:confused:


Audioholic Warlord
I had a similar reaction when I saw Gary Cole in a Dodge commercial and AC/DC's new album was playing in the background. Guess everybody is just doin' what they can these days.:confused:
I'm on the last season of Veep and Gary was excellent in that just like he is everything else.


Audioholic Spartan
He's great, been doin' it a long time and has perfected his craft. His Mike Brady spoof is a riot. " A Simple Plan " contained some of his best work as well. Very versatile and not a bad performance in his credits.


the rise of the fed and Wall St. it shifted our economy from capitalism to a sort of veiled pantheism where industrial temples are immortal persons again based on the mindset of the dark ages. And just like then, we have to believe in its myths including the invention of Israel, the idea that Apple is a person, things like money and land can be charged with a crime etc. And also if you dare to create something that a corporate person would want, good luck getting a patent, you'll be treated like arachne and turned into a bug in court for even daring to challenge their monopolies.

the greatest concentration of wealth in history happened as a result which has forever shifted our world. we went from I love Lucy being the most popular show ever, and Desi playing Ricky Ricardo, a Hispanic immigrant, married to a white woman, the depiction of the American dream. To literal zycklon b gas chambers being used along the southern border who's blue prints were then copied in nazi Germany.

Oh yea, and suddenly a class of people became powerful enough they were able to create nations just as easily as they create corporations. Even Israel just started out as the Anglo-palistine bank, and this entire era, called the lost generation is entirely censored from our history books. Jews who were deported to Palestine were given reparations in the form of credits they could only spend by buying from nazi Germany, thus creating the myth that "the jews financed Hitler."

we now just consider all this normal. we have to believe Apple is a person, things can be charged with crimes and Israel is literally historically real. If you're Jewish and disagree youre not a "real jew" meanwhile the Israeli lobby is made up of mostly Christian mega churches and the NRA. The 1st amendment should protect us from these bonkers notions but people are brainwashed into giving up the 1st and relying on the 2nd amendment to eventually "save us" by allowing ourselves to be divided enough that wed start a civil war and kill our own neighbors. Meanwhile legacies who were already billionaires in the 20s when a meal was a nickel openly run our lives, and if you question them that's "Commie talk" and to American Christians commies are the new pagans.

An entire bs religion is forced onto us regardless and we just have to accept anything regardless of how blatantly stupid. Blatant money laundering BS like spattered paint on canvas is worth millions while the Rockefellers are so kind as to share their museums with us, and allow us to look at their money laundering schemes like stupid art, and rom coms that cost 20x more for no reason than a single episode of game of thrones which is objectively the most expensive production ever, and it's billed as 10 million an episode.

Watch mac and me, McDonald's blatant money laundering scheme and realize that that money could have went to fixing the pot holes or into something actually productive.

the enforcement of racism to this day is used so effectively justify wars after 911 Indian Sikhs were attacked and. urdered for looking Muslim. meanwhile the US are buddies with the Saudis who literally did 911.

The whole who's ethnic versus not would flip allies into enemies with no actual real rhyme or reason where the same exact people we claim we hate like how we loved time life man of the year, Hitler, and had nazi rallies in the US, then suddenly he pulled a Saddam Hussein, and so we bin ladined him. the word Canvas is just the word cannibus slurred, and with the convenience of eugenics and racism imposed on us, we simply renamed it Marijuana, which leveraged this notion of "ethnic is bad" to turn an every day industrial plant to "reefer madness" and we've only come to our senses in that one issue just recently.

Now trumpists are trying to get Americans to turn in eachother again because theyre so broken they would rather punch down than punch up.

basically everything that's wrong started during the lost generation and all the problems we have could easily be fixed if we just didn't censor that entire era, which is essentially America's "cultural revolution".

now people on the "right" believe that saying racist things is edgy when we just only freed ourselves from segregation in the 60s, and saying "American is not a Christian nation" which can be quoted from the treaty of tripoli and is so obviously a fact, but now it isnt PC, and triggers the right who thinks that the "left" want to "hurt the Bible" "hurt God" and "war on Christmas" and America should be a theocracy.
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I think the issue is that soo many people think we have the greatest country in the world, but somehow also have no problems at all. This is simply not the case, as we are all aware.
If you could right now just be a citizen of another country which would it be?

I've yet to meet a fellow American that thinks this country is issue free.
Old Onkyo

Old Onkyo

Audioholic General
[we went from I love Lucy being the most popular show ever, and Desi playing Ricky Ricardo, a Hispanic immigrant, married to a white woman, the depiction of the American dream.
Neomacr...since when is having a white woman the American dream? not if you paid me....


Audioholic Spartan
the rise of the fed and Wall St. it shifted our economy from capitalism to a sort of veiled pantheism where industrial temples are immortal persons again based on the mindset of the dark ages. And just like then, we have to believe in its myths including the invention of Israel, the idea that Apple is a person, things like money and land can be charged with a crime etc. And also if you dare to create something that a corporate person would want, good luck getting a patent, you'll be treated like arachne and turned into a bug in court for even daring to challenge their monopolies.

the greatest concentration of wealth in history happened as a result which has forever shifted our world. we went from I love Lucy being the most popular show ever, and Desi playing Ricky Ricardo, a Hispanic immigrant, married to a white woman, the depiction of the American dream. To literal zycklon b gas chambers being used along the southern border who's blue prints were then copied in nazi Germany.

Oh yea, and suddenly a class of people became powerful enough they were able to create nations just as easily as they create corporations. Even Israel just started out as the Anglo-palistine bank, and this entire era, called the lost generation is entirely censored from our history books. Jews who were deported to Palestine were given reparations in the form of credits they could only spend by buying from nazi Germany, thus creating the myth that "the jews financed Hitler."

we now just consider all this normal. we have to believe Apple is a person, things can be charged with crimes and Israel is literally historically real. If you're Jewish and disagree youre not a "real jew" meanwhile the Israeli lobby is made up of mostly Christian mega churches and the NRA. The 1st amendment should protect us from these bonkers notions but people are brainwashed into giving up the 1st and relying on the 2nd amendment to eventually "save us" by allowing ourselves to be divided enough that wed start a civil war and kill our own neighbors. Meanwhile legacies who were already billionaires in the 20s when a meal was a nickel openly run our lives, and if you question them that's "Commie talk" and to American Christians commies are the new pagans.

An entire bs religion is forced onto us regardless and we just have to accept anything regardless of how blatantly stupid. Blatant money laundering BS like spattered paint on canvas is worth millions while the Rockefellers are so kind as to share their museums with us, and allow us to look at their money laundering schemes like stupid art, and rom coms that cost 20x more for no reason than a single episode of game of thrones which is objectively the most expensive production ever, and it's billed as 10 million an episode.

Watch mac and me, McDonald's blatant money laundering scheme and realize that that money could have went to fixing the pot holes or into something actually productive.

the enforcement of racism to this day is used so effectively justify wars after 911 Indian Sikhs were attacked and. urdered for looking Muslim. meanwhile the US are buddies with the Saudis who literally did 911.

The whole who's ethnic versus not would flip allies into enemies with no actual real rhyme or reason where the same exact people we claim we hate like how we loved time life man of the year, Hitler, and had nazi rallies in the US, then suddenly he pulled a Saddam Hussein, and so we bin ladined him. the word Canvas is just the word cannibus slurred, and with the convenience of eugenics and racism imposed on us, we simply renamed it Marijuana, which leveraged this notion of "ethnic is bad" to turn an every day industrial plant to "reefer madness" and we've only come to our senses in that one issue just recently.

Now trumpists are trying to get Americans to turn in eachother again because theyre so broken they would rather punch down than punch up.

basically everything that's wrong started during the lost generation and all the problems we have could easily be fixed if we just didn't censor that entire era, which is essentially America's "cultural revolution".

now people on the "right" believe that saying racist things is edgy when we just only freed ourselves from segregation in the 60s, and saying "American is not a Christian nation" which can be quoted from the treaty of tripoli and is so obviously a fact, but now it isnt PC, and triggers the right who thinks that the "left" want to "hurt the Bible" "hurt God" and "war on Christmas" and America should be a theocracy.
Amazing. This is easily in the top 10 of weirdest posts I’ve seen on AH this year. Maybe in the top 5.


Audioholic Samurai
Amazing. This is easily in the top 10 of weirdest posts I’ve seen on AH this year. Maybe in the top 5.
I hereby nominate it for the not-so-prestigious "Weirdest AH post of all time" award.

"The whole who's ethnic versus not would flip allies into enemies with no actual real rhyme or reason where the same exact people we claim we hate like how we loved time life man of the year, Hitler, and had nazi rallies in the US, then suddenly he pulled a Saddam Hussein, and so we bin ladined him. "

You gotta admit, though, it's hard to argue with this "logic."

I attribute it to shrooms:



Audioholic Samurai
The issue with the post title is that we have fallen.
I probably should have posted a disclaimer. I copied the title from someone else's post in the Coronavirus thread in an effort to shift political discussions to a separate thread.

The title is similar to the old "Did you stop beating your wife yet?" question because it assumes a fact that has not been shown.

It's also extremely subjective because "greatness" is completely undefined.

I suppose the meaning of "seminal" is also not entirely clear:



Seriously, I have no life.
I don't think that's true. He was re-elected for starters. Things that are getting pushed back against and hence the swing to the right:
One thing that a lot of people need to consider, especially when they talk about White people hating Obama- if not for White voters, he never would have been elected or re-elected.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
I don't know about America's greatness, if it ever was great, if it lost it, or didn't lose it, or whatever. All I know is that Trump's presidency greatly diminished this nation.


Audioholic Warlord
If you could right now just be a citizen of another country which would it be?

I've yet to meet a fellow American that thinks this country is issue free.
I wouldn't want to. I live here and will stay here, but I'm going to work as hard as I can to help fix anything that needs fixing.

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