So I am getting a set of Martin Logan Motion 60xt towers, with a Motion 50xt center, and two Motion 15s for surrounds. Someday I will add two more surrounds and height channels, but I can’t quite yet. I will also have a dynamo 1600x sub but that’s less relevant since it has its own power and my question is power related.
I will be using a Denon 3700x, and I am wondering if I should get a two channel amp to take care of the load of the Motion 60xts, since they are pretty power hungry from what I understand.
Should I worry about this given my current power needs? I have a smallish room (10ish x 15ish, although one side does open up into the broader basement) but I do like to play my movies loud.
If I should consider an amp, would an Emotiva Basx work? How about a Sonance 2-150 Mark II (which I can get at about 2/3 retail). Any other options worth considering?
(Also if it makes more sense just to get a more powerful receiver I am open to that option as well, though that seemed like possibly the less cost effective option.)
Thanks for any help!