Over the years, B&W has used some confusing names for it's speakers. Do your 603 s2 speakers look like this?
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Or this?
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If they have those yellow Kevlar mid-range drivers, they are the cause of your ear distress. I thought B&W's new gray-colored replacement was intended to eliminate that problem. But James Larson's review and measurements indicate there still may be a problem with them.
See the broad peak around 3 kHz in the green trace below. That is caused by the mid-range driver going into break-up. To avoid that noise, B&W should make the mid-to-tweeter crossover frequency lower. But they didn't.
The best solution – and the most expensive – is to replace those speakers with something better behaved, such as the Philharmonic Audio BMR speakers that Peng mentioned above. As others above have suggested, the alternative is do not toe them in, keep them facing straight forward. Maybe that will improve things enough for you.
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